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Tired of stressful mornings? <br />Want your kids to get to school in a safe, fun, and healthy way? <br />What is a Walking School Bus? <br />It's a group of families living in the same <br />neighborhood, who form a walking group <br />to take children in their area to and/or <br />from school. The parents or "drivers" <br />take turns walking along a set route to <br />and from school, providing a safe, fun <br />way to get to school. <br />For more information: contact <br />Nora Cody at 740-3150 ext. 323 <br />or <br />Join or Lead a Walking School Bus Groupl <br />Safe Routes to Schools has learned that by organizing families into <br />more "official" groups with identifiable, visible leaders in bright <br />fluorescent vests, we can dramatically increase both the SAFETY <br />and NUMBERS of children walking to school. There may be kids on <br />your block or route who are driven every day because their parents <br />don't know that neighbors are walking to school. Are you willing to <br />help your community by helping these kids walk safely to school? <br />Or by sending your child with a group so that you can get to <br />work hassle -free? <br />WE NEED YOUI <br />