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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: September 8, 2009 <br />TO: Finance Committee <br />FROM: Perry H. Carter, Interim Finance Director ~ifi <br />SUBJECT: Preliminary Financial Results for the General Fund for 2008-09 <br />Attached for your review (Schedule A), is an analysis of preliminary results of operations for the <br />General Fund for 2008-09. As can be seen in Column (1) Adopted Budget 2008-09 the General <br />Fund was budgeted to end the year with an Ending Designated Fund Balance of approximately <br />$14.8 million. Reducing this amount by the Emergency Reserve of $5.0 million leaves a Fund <br />Balance Available in Column (1) of $9.8 million (bottom of Column (1)). This is the amount <br />that was budgeted to be available to Council for future use and the amount recommended by staff <br />to subsidize future tazgeted deficits as the City implemented the three year deficit "work out" <br />plan. <br />Up through April of last year, staff updated the Finance Committee on the financial progress of <br />the General Fund and the continued deterioration of certain revenues. More specifically Sales <br />Tax and Property Tax revenues were not meeting expectations. Accordingly, staff reduced these <br />revenues and in April of 2009 estimated that the General Fund would realize a net reduction to <br />fund balance of approximately $8.0 Million (as opposed to the originally budgeted reduction of <br />$4.4 million). Refemng to the Fund Balance Available line (bottom of the column) shows Fund <br />Balance Available declining from $9.8 million (Column (1)) to $6.245 million (Column (2)). <br />Finally, there is some good financial news. As can be seen in Column (3) Preliminary Actuals at <br />the bottom of the page in the Fund Balance Available line, the preliminary close for 2008-09 <br />shows an ending fund balance of approximately $10.1 million. An improvement over Estimated <br />2008-09 of some $3.9 million. There are two major azeas that contribute to the improved ending <br />fund balance. <br />The brief schedule at the bottom of Schedule A lists the components of the positive variance. <br />First, the Net Revenue/(Expenditures) line shows a positive variance of about $2.3 million. Both <br />revenues and expenditures contributed to the positive variance, as shown on Column (4). In <br />addition, the General Fund received a "payoff ' of a loan that had been made several years earlier <br />(sale of waste management equipment). This is shown on the Loan Repayment/Other line with a <br />positive variance of $1.587million -Column (4), Variance Positive (Negative). <br />G:IFINCOMM~2009-10~Staff Report~Preliminary Financial Results for the General Fund for 2008-09 9-08-09.docx <br />