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Nicole Goehring, Associated Builders & Contractors, referred to the Veterans Affairs study as <br />a fair and unbiased report on PLAs. She suggested soliciting input from community groups. <br />Mr. Hollister noted the enormity and complexity of the issue, and he indicated that staff would <br />perform more research and seek more input. <br />Chair Santos encouraged people who have opinions on the subject to submit them in writing. <br />Committee Member Souza related an experience of one of her family members, who was offered <br />a job as an apprentice, but was not allowed to work due to the union. She stated that she would <br />like to have a policy where this scenario would not occur. <br />Committee Member Stephens asked what sorts of restrictions could be imposed by a PLA. City <br />Attorney Jayne Williams indicated that she would research the question. <br />This item will be discussed further at the November meeting. The November meeting will be <br />held in the Sister Cities Gallery, to accommodate a larger audience. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Change of Meeting Schedules for Board of Zoning Adjustments and <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Manager Kathleen Livermore reported that, with the proposed removal from the BZA <br />of the responsibility for weed abatement hearings, it would no longer be necessary to form a <br />separate hearing body. Staff proposes to change the meeting schedules for the BZA and Planning <br />Commission, effective January 1, 2010, for aone-year trial. Each body would meet once a <br />month; the BZA would meet the first Thursday, and the Planning Commission would meet the <br />third Thursday. <br />Committee Member Souza requested clarification regarding what issues are heard by each body. <br />Mr. Sims noted the confusion that sometimes arises, due to what the property owner or developer <br />is trying to achieve, as well as the zoning classification, policies, etc. Ms. Livermore added that <br />staff will sometimes try to streamline and consolidate matters, so that the applicant does not have <br />to go before both the Planning Commission and BZA. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommends that the City Council schedule approval of the change to the meeting <br />schedules for the Board of Zoning Adjustments and the Planning Commission. <br />4. Public Comments <br />Public comments taken under Agenda Item #2. <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />None. <br />