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MINUTES Page 8 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~eptember 21, 2009 <br />Mayor Santos reported that he appointed an ad hoc committee comprised of Vice Mayor <br />Starosciak and Councilmember Souza to recommend a nominee from among the two <br />provided by the San Lorenzo Unified School District Board to fill the Recreation and <br />Parks Commission vacancy. The ad hoc committee will report its recommendation at <br />the next regular meeting. <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Prola commented that he attended a Washington Homeowners Association <br />(WHOA) meeting, at which residents expressed support for the use of Measure WW funds for <br />a competitive pool, and for shortening the timeframe for enforcing yard clean ups. Mr. <br />Hollister indicated that an amendment to expedite the handling of weed abatement cases will <br />be considered by the City Council Rules Committee on September 22. Councilmember Prola <br />attended the Coffee Connection at the Englander; the Senior Resource Fair at the Marina <br />Community Center; the Ice Cream Social at McCartney Park; Congressman Stark's Town <br />Hall Meeting on Healthcare; the Friends of the Library luncheon, where the group presented a <br />check for over $30,000 to the Mayor; the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee <br />meeting, at which Police Chief Willis gave a presentation on what a full service police <br />department is and what it provides; the ribbon cutting for Davida Dialysis Center at Bayfair; <br />and the Shoreline-Marina Citizens Advisory Committee meeting. Councilmember Prola <br />expressed agreement with Councilmember Stephens that the City should consider aphase-in <br />of mandatory plastic and Styrofoam waste reduction. He suggested that the matter be referred <br />to the City Council Rules and Communications Committee, and he noted that the City of San <br />Jose is considering a ban on both plastic and paper bags. <br />Mayor Santos pointed out that the City of Oakland is currently in litigation on the matter. <br />There was consensus of the Council to refer the matter to the Rules and Communications <br />Committee. <br />Councilmember Stephens suggested pursuing a Styrofoam ban first. Mayor Santos <br />commented that is addressing this in its strategic plan. <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she would like to see some forward movement on the <br />dog park, and she requested that it either be referred back to the Recreation and Parks <br />Commission, or to a City Council committee. She stated her support for the project, and for <br />using park in lieu fees to build it. Councilmember Souza announced that the WHOA will be <br />bringing back the Day in the Park event. She expressed her appreciation to staff member <br />Nicole Roa for all her work with the San Leandro pool program. <br />Councilmember Gregory commented on the September 12th Challenge Walk Off, in which <br />several Councilmembers and staff participated. State Farm Insurance provided a lot of <br />support and prizes for the event. He added that he would like to see the City adopt a Healthy <br />Eating Active Living (I~AL) program. Councilmember Gregory attended the Coastal <br />Cleanup and the ribbon cutting for Davida Dialysis. <br />