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Agmt 2009 Building Futures with Women and Children BFWC (2)
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2009 Building Futures with Women and Children BFWC (2)
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Last modified
10/12/2009 11:00:51 AM
Creation date
10/12/2009 11:00:50 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2009-134
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b. Housing search and placement. Services or activities designed to assist individuals or <br />families in locating, obtaining, and retaining suitable housing. Component services or <br />activities may include: tenant counseling; assisting individuals and families to understand <br />leases; securing utilities; making moving arrangements; representative payee services <br />concerning rent and utilities; and mediation and outreach to property owners related to <br />locating or retaining housing. <br />Credit repair: Services that are targeted to assist program participants with critical skills <br />related to household budgeting, money management, accessing a free personal credit report, <br />and resolving personal credit issues. Funds may not be used to pay consumer debt of any <br />kind. <br />d. Legal Services: Legal services that help people stay in their homes such as the services or <br />activities provided by a lawyer or other person(s) under the supervision of a lawyer to assist <br />program participants with legal advice and representation in administrative or court <br />proceedings related to tenant/landlord matters on housing issues. Legal services related to <br />mortgages are not eligible. <br />The Contractor will be expected to provide and/or broker these services as needed to support households <br />in successfully implementing the housing/income and utility stability plan. Housing search and <br />placement services to help preserve tenancies and to locate and secure suitable housing are a critical <br />piece of the services component and should include making and cultivating relationships with landlords <br />to secure units. <br />6. Brokering Access to Other Resources Identified in Housing Plan <br />While some households may require limited assistance to get back on their feet, many will require more <br />intensive support including linkages to other services not funded through HPRP. The Contractor will <br />need to be able to identify, broker and secure key needed services for the participant households to <br />support their housing plan. For this component, it is not enough to refer participants to other services or <br />agencies. The Contractor must broker access to the services as much as possible to ensure participant <br />households who are eligible actually receive the services they need to become stable in their housing. <br />The types of services to which participant households may need to be linked may include: <br />^ Employment and training resources <br />^ Childcare resources <br />^ Benefit application assistance and advocacy <br />^ Legal services <br />^ Ongoing housing subsidies or access to affordable housing if indicated <br />^ Behavioral health services (mental health and substance abuse) <br />^ Medical services <br />^ Food assistance programs <br />^ Credit counseling and repair services <br />^ Peer support networks or other community support <br />Ex. A: Contractor's Scope of Work Page 4 of 6 <br />
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