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City of San Leandro <br />Civic Center, 835 E. 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />October 7, 2009 <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 E. 14"' Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />Dear Mayor Santos and City Council Members: <br />Luster Knight was an outstanding, caring person who worked tirelessly for many causes supporting San <br />Leandro communities. Several groups expressed an interest in commemorating the contributions Luster made <br />to our community; including City Council members, Recreation and Park Commissioners, Alameda County <br />Fire Fighters and other city leaders and individuals inspired by Luster's tireless dedication and commitment. <br />In response to the interest expressed (and after waiting the six months as required in the San Leandro <br />Administrative Code), the Recreation and Parks Commission held several meetings and discussed <br />commemorative ideas with staff from the Fire Department. The consensus was to create a Memorial for <br />Luster Knight at Marina Park. The Memorial would include some type of water fountain as well as <br />information about Luster and his life. Marina Park was chosen as it was one of the parks most visited and <br />loved by Luster. The water fountain represents Luster's philosophy of inclusivity and access for all. This was <br />based on his experience as a young child of being forbidden to use the water fountain at the local park due to <br />his skin color. The information about Luster would represent a synthesis of information submitted by agencies <br />with whom Luster had worked closely. <br />At this time there are no funds appropriated for building a Memorial. The City will donate their time and <br />services whenever possible including leading the process, providing engineering and public works expertise <br />(i.e. determining the most feasible location as it pertains to sewer, water, slope, etc...) and responding to other <br />questions or tasks that may arise for which we have the expertise. A local architect has generously offered to <br />donate his time to help bring the ideas generated into a concept drawing. Once a concept drawing is <br />completed and a cost estimate generated, fundraising to pay for the construction of the Memorial would begin. <br />The Recreation and Park Commission is requesting approval from the City Council to move forward as <br />outlined above for a Luster Knight Memorial. The Recreation and Parks Commission welcomes suggestions <br />from the Council and, should there be concerns or a different direction desired by the Council, respectfully <br />requests the Council to attend a Recreation and Park Commission meeting or designate a time they would like <br />to meet with the Commission regarding this project. We believe Luster's story is a worthy one which will <br />inspire others to serve their communities. <br />Thank you in advance for your support. <br />Sincerely, <br />The Recreation and Park Commission: <br />Debra Vandiver, Chair and Commissioners Brannan, Combs, Fox, Herrera, Lee, Martinez and Shapiro <br />Tony Santos, Mayor <br />City Council: Michael J. Gregory; Jim Prola; Ursula Reed; <br />Diana M. Souza; Joyce R. Starosciak; Bill Stephens <br />