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in new revenue) were placed before the voters and passed, the General Fund's structural deficit <br />would be "solved". <br />Timing, however, plays a key role with respect to the revenue measures. More specifically, <br />Council would most likely consider placing the revenue measures before the voters in March of <br />2010. If approved, the revenue measure(s) would go to the voters in June of 2010. Considering <br />that Council must receive a proposed budget in May of each year, for the following fiscal year, <br />waiting for the outcome of the revenue measures is not a workable approach. <br />Public Information Program-Revenue Measures. At this point it may be appropriate to <br />emphasize the importance of a public information program with respect to the revenue measures. <br />If San Leandro voters are given the opportunity to vote on one or both revenue measures it is <br />critical that they have sufficient information on which to base their decision. Consequently, 1 <br />will be bringing such an item forward for Council's consideration in the upcoming weeks and <br />requesting budget authority. <br />Key Considerations for 2010-11 Budget. In the following section, staff outlines a possible <br />approach to formulating the 2010-11 Budget. At this point, the strategy does not address several <br />other key budget questions. For example, to develop the Reduction Budget (defined later in the <br />report), significant reductions will have to be made achieve the $5.5 million savings. Priorities, <br />criteria and process are key issues that need to be addressed in the upcoming months. <br />Another very important consideration is the implementation timing of any budget reductions. <br />Fiscal year 2009-10 is the first year of a three year "work out" plan to balance the General Fund <br />budget. That is, staff recommended and Council agreed that the General Fund would meet <br />targeted deficits over a three year period with the General Fund balanced in the fourth year. <br />However, the three year approach is impacted by the possibility of new revenue and the Forecast <br />information. Consequently, the Finance Committee may wish to revisit this strategy for the <br />upcoming year. <br />Budget .Preparation Strategy for 2010-11 In view of the timing issue noted above, staff is <br />recommending the following approach for preparing the 2010-11 Budget: <br />1. Prepare a General Fund budget that would be balanced, assuming that neither revenue <br />measure is approved. This would require staff to close an approximately $5.5 million <br />deficit mainly through budget reductions. For reference purposes this budget would be <br />titled the "Reduction Budget" <br />2. The budget so developed would set out for Council's review both staff reductions and <br />program changes from the current (2009-10) budget. <br />3. Then, staff would prepare a Supplemental Budget(s) which would list those <br />positions/programs that would be reinstated to the Reduction Budget assuming one or <br />both of the revenue measures pass. For example, one Supplemental Budget would <br />provide reinstatements based on the sales tax measure passing. A second if the LLAD <br />measure passes and a third if both pass. <br />