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as seek their input. The Public Information Program can be paid for by tax dollars as it is not a <br />political campaign. The estimated cost of the program is approximately $75,000. $45,000 will <br />be for informational mailings to residents and businesses and this includes the cost of the return <br />and analysis of feedback. $30,000 will be the cost of consulting services to guide the City in the <br />program. Hollister stated that there is adequate funding in the City Manager's contingency fund. <br />Hollister introduced Catherine Lew of Lew Edwards to the Committee. Lew Edwards was hired <br />to oversee and assist the City with the revenue measure survey, discussed earlier. Catherine <br />stated that her firm would be available to work closely with the City Manager's office as well as <br />the City Attorney's Office on the Public Information Program, if desired. <br />The Finance Committee indicated their approval of a Public Information Program. Further the <br />Committee voted to forward the issue to the full City Council for their review and action. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Ad Hoc Citizens' Budget Task Force <br />City Manager Hollister stated that a list of nominees for the Ad Hoc Citizen's Budget Task Force <br />"Budget Task Force" will be provided to Council at the Monday, November 2, 2009 Council <br />Meeting for approval. The Budget Task Force will consist of: one representative of which each <br />member of the Council will nominate from their districts'; one representative from each of the <br />three negotiating associations, (San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA), San <br />Leandro Management Organization (SLMO), and the Police Officer's Association (POA)); a <br />representative from the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce; and two representatives of the <br />Horne Owner's Associations. The Budget Task Force will be educated on the various funds, <br />including restricted funds. The Budget Task Force will be addressing the revenue enhancements <br />and what the priorities will be for the city if the revenue measures do not pass. <br />4. Discussion Regarding budget Strategy/Approach for 2010-11 Budget <br />Interim Finance Director Carter stated that the budget process has begun and staff is using the <br />current budget as a base. Staff will draft the 2010-11 budget with the idea that both revenue <br />measure failed at the ballot. Staff will continue to work with Council on the priorities of the city. <br />5. Public Comment <br />Jerry Maughan stated that he hoped the City Manager's Office would provide the Ad Hoc <br />Citizen's Budget Task Force a copy of the survey conducted by the employee's and provided to <br />the Interim Assistant City Manager in March of this year. Mayor Santos stated that a copy <br />would be provided. <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Prola stated that he looks forward to speaking to his constituents about the <br />revenue measures. Mayor Santos stated that he would like to prioritize C1P programs and <br />instructed staff that if a listed program must be removed, proper explanation is to be given. <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. <br />2 <br />