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November 9, 2009 Secfion 2: Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Forecast <br />emissions into the atmosphere. Municipal streetlights and traffic lights consumed 3,697,040 <br />kWh of electricity, which resulted in a release of 954 metric tons of C02e emissions into the <br />atmosphere. The water and sewage sector consumed 3,632,746 kWh of electricity and 15,687 <br />therms of natural gas which released approximately 1,030 metric tons of C02e.a <br />The City's vehicle fleet consumed approximately 280,161 gallons of fuel and emitted about <br />3,773 metric tons of COZe. The municipal fleet includes all vehicles owned and operated by the <br />City of San Leandro, plus some contractor vehicles performing City functions. <br />The City of San Leandro government operations reported sending 3,033 tons of waste to the <br />landfill resulting in 577 metric tons of C02e according to method described above. The City <br />does have recycling programs in place to reduce waste stream. <br />2.3 Emissions Forecast and GHG Reduction Target <br />Based on the community and municipal operations emissions inventories developed for San <br />Leandro for the base year 2005, ICLEI also provided a forecast of future emissions for the year <br />2020. The emission forecast represents abusiness-as-usual prediction of how greenhouse gas <br />(GHG) emissions may change in the City of San Leandro over time. Table 4 below provides an <br />emissions summary for San Leandro's base year and forecast year. <br />Table 4. San Leandro Emissions Forecast for 2020 <br /> Conymunity Emissions- Municiipal l~~era#onle; <br />Indicators used to generate 0.67 % (Annual population <br />forecast growth rate based on ABAG <br /> data) No growth anticipated <br />Quantity of C02e emissions in <br />2005 base year (tons) 949,303 7,866 <br />Business-as-usual projection of <br />C02e emissions in 2020 (tons): <br />10.4 % increase over baseline 1,048,117 7,866 <br />San Leandro's 2020 goal of 25% <br />below 2005 levels 711,977 tons 5,900 tons <br />Total emissions reductions <br />necessary for reaching goal 336,140 tons 1,966 tons <br />a The average activated sludge wastewater treatment plant consumes 6,000 kWh per million gallons of wastewater <br />treated per day. The San Leandro plant treats 5 million gallons a day (MGD) and only consumes about 12,000 <br />kWh/day. The reasons San Leandro consumes less energy than the average is partially related to not having tertiary <br />treatment, and that the effluent pumping is the responsibility of athird-party. <br />~ ~ ~~" ~~9 Page 13 <br />~, <br />~ a~ <br />'f ®^~r, <br />,.,~o• <br />