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UPRR Corridor Improvement Study <br />County -City Funding Agreement <br />SECTION II <br />COUNTY OBLIGATIONS: <br />CITY No. 144-36-2$8 <br />1) County will implement the Project in accardance with this Agreement and Attachment A: <br />Project Description and Task Breakdown, Attachment C: Task Budgets and Other Funding, <br />Attachment D: Project Contact Information, <br />2) County will complete the Project in accordance with the budget described in Attachment C <br />and the following conditions: <br />A. The CITY funding obligation under this Agreement is limited to the "Total CITY Funds <br />pledged to Project" as specified in Attachment A. Any Project cost overruns are the sole <br />responsibility of the County. <br />B. In the event that the "Total Project Cost" is less than the amount listed on Attachment <br />A, CITY may reduce the "Total CITY Funds Awarded to Project." Any reduction in <br />CITY funding will maintain the percentage, listed on Attachment A, of "Total CITY <br />Funds Awarded" to "Total Project Cost". In the event the "Total CITY Funds <br />Awarded to Project" are reduced as provided in this paragraph, CITY may suspend <br />reimbursements fox allowable Project costs in excess of the reduced amount of the <br />"Total CITY Funds Awarded to Project" until such time as an amendment to this <br />agreement is agreed upon. <br />C. Only those allowable Project costs incurred up to the completion or termination of the <br />Project whichever occurs first, are eligible to receive CITY funds for reimbursement for <br />expended Project costs. <br />D. County will contribute or expend those "County Matching Funds," if any, as specified in <br />Attachments A and C. <br />4) County must submit at least one invoice every twelve months to CITY for reimbursement of <br />eligible Project costs and expenses consistent with the schedule and budgets contained in <br />Attachments C, respectively, in a form mutually agreeable to the County and CITY. Invoices <br />will include a summary sheet specifying the project number; time period for the invoice; <br />itemized payments to vendors, consultants, or contractors and total funds being requested for <br />the invoice period. If County is requesting reimbursement for costs incurred as a result of a <br />contract or agreement with a third party, e.g. a consultant, contractor or other entity, County <br />shall submit a copy of the fully executed contract or agreement to CITY prior to CITY <br />authorizing reimbursement of such costs. Each invoice will also include detailed supporting <br />documentation, which will include accounting summaries documenting hourly labor costs <br />incurred in the implementation of the Project, copies of invoices from vendors, consultants, or <br />contractors or an explanation of the goods or services provided for the Project. <br />BikePed-Cycle3-A070004-ACPWA-UPRR Page 2 of 12 <br />