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Mr. Francis also donated to the City a framed collection of calendar plates and other <br />commemorative plates. The Mayor accepted the donation and thanked him. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Census 2010 Activities <br />Kathy Ornelas gave a report on efforts to date to promote Census 2010 in the Community. A <br />"Complete Count Committee" meeting was held in January, inviting representatives from <br />many of the City's community groups to participate (e.g. HOA's, schools, the Adult School, <br />Project Literacy, and Davis Street Family Resource Center). Mayor Santos has also met with <br />representatives of the Faith Community. <br />Mail-in response in San Leandro was higher than the county or state average in Census 2000. <br />However, the challenge continues to be reaching the hard-to-count members of the <br />community (i.e. new immigrants, people for whom English is a second language, people <br />living in "crowded housing", and homeless individuals). The City will be looking to the <br />Complete Count Committee members to help identify trusted messengers for these groups to <br />help spread the message that Census 2010 is important, confidential and easy. More efforts <br />along these lines will be mounted at the beginning of the year and as Census Day 2010, <br />which is April 1, gets closer. <br />Ms. Ornelas also showed two advertising projects that have been funded by the US Census <br />Bureau. One is a banner that will be hung over E. 14th Street in March, with the message "Be <br />Counted - 2010" in English, Spanish and Chinese. The other is reusable shopping bags that <br />have been ordered in collaboration with other Cities in the County. The messages on the <br />bags say "Be Counted. It's Safe, It's Easy, It's Important" "United States Census 2010" in <br />English, Spanish, Farsi, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Lao. The bags will be distributed to <br />agencies that serve hard-to-count individuals and families. In San Leandro, agencies include <br />the Davis Street Family Resource Center, the April Showers program, and food kitchens. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Consolidation of the Civic and Cultural Committee with the <br />Rules and Communications Committee <br />The Mayor reviewed the history of the Civic and Cultural Committee and how it has evolved <br />from a committee spearheaded by Mayor Karp into a committee more inclusive of the City <br />Council. Mayor Santos and Councilmember Gregory both felt it needs to remain a stand- <br />alone committee, particularly since it meets so infrequently. <br />4. Public Comments <br />None <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />Mayor Santos mentioned that the Portuguese Ambassador to the United States has agreed to <br />visit San Leandro; the date has yet to be determined. He will bring back to the Committee a <br />recommendation for a program and expenses anticipated with this official visit. <br />6. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. <br />