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Martin A. Francis <br />Patriot ~rtlcul~ttx ao <br />Flag Histarlan <br />964 f3owiing Boulevard <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />I'11.Ig~t Jl~k LWX7 <br />Mc"~iOr' ~aY13t ~3ntOS and <br />City Council Meer-bers <br />City of San Learnlro <br />835 E. i~i~` Street <br />San Leandro, G4 X34577 <br />IVlayc~r Sarrt~s and Cary Council M~rnber~: <br />it is with the utmost honor and happiness i have been able to volunteer my time <br />and knowledge of flag history to honor our great flag in the A~snual fieg Day Cerernarty <br />in San Leandro far the pest 3~ years. But it is w#ttt sad regrets` as time marches ~y, t <br />realize f must pass this grand traditidrt along. i ask in earnest the great City of San <br />l.eandra cantin~tes tv share the irrrpartance and vane of this traditlott in abservanre of <br />Flag pay each year Irt hont~r of our country`s flag and this land it represer-ts of which we <br />are aA so very prout~. <br />~`he p~ir~se ~f thls i~t°t+er i~ fir.t request a special tTteet#ng t~ith the C#ty Council to <br />discuss the future tai tF-e Flag Day ~ererttony pro grant. if a separate rneetirtg is nest <br />tonvetnient, I request this topic be added to an agenda item tr,~ be discussed at your next <br />City tQUncil IVleet#ng. i sincerely utrauid h2tte far this time-ht~»ared tradition to fade <br />away and wt~uld like to ensure a smooth transition tt3 the City. <br />f thank you f©r the opportu~rity to share my krtr~wiedge with the citizens t#f San <br />ieandra and ask: you to please accept my request to discuss this further, I I~rok forward <br />to hearing irryrr~ you. <br />Sincerely, <br />~ ~ +~~ ~~. <br />Martin 1~. Francis ~ ~~~ <br />cc: Stephen ttoN#ster, Clty Manager AJG ~ Zll~ <br />