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Finance Highlights 2006 0405
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2006 0405
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Last modified
11/19/2009 11:59:47 AM
Creation date
11/19/2009 11:59:44 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Committee Highlights
Document Date (6)
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Overall, Majors indicated that there was no evidence of fraud or material misstatements found during <br />their first year's audit. Majors commented on the City's strong system of internal controls currently in <br />place. <br />Jermanis also commented on the value of internal controls and auditing, especially when dealing with <br />staff changes and cash handling. Baloca indicated that the finance department's internal control <br />procedures are fairly solid due to the segregation of duties that currently exist. The finance department is <br />also working on developing department policies that will assist City staff in following the correct <br />procedures. <br />2. Discussion Regarding 911 Program Revenue <br />Rodriguez explained that the 911 fee was implemented December 2004 and is projected to generate <br />$2.175 million for FY OS-06. The eligible cost for FY OS-06 is approximately $2.26 million, a shortfall of <br />about $89K. Staff recommends that the 911 fees for FY 06-07 increase using the CPI factor of 2.93%. <br />The increase of $.06 per access single line will result in the following fee changes: <br />Single Line $ 2 to 2.06 <br />Trunk Line 14 to 14.41 <br />Super Trunk Line 49 to 50.44 <br />FY 06-07 revenues are projected to generate approximately $2.4 million, while eligible costs are <br />estimated at $2.39 million. The slight fee increase is expected to lessen the gap between 911 fee revenues <br />and expenditures. <br />Staff also recommends an addendum to the current audit services agreement of MBIA Muniservices <br />Company (MMC) to include the identification of new telephone service companies and an audit of City <br />revenues remitted from existing telephone companies. Currently, staff is negotiating with MBIA for these <br />additional services. <br />3. Discussion Regarding 2006-07 Proposed Fee Adjustments <br />Annually, the City conducts a review of its user fees and service charges. As a general rule, fees and <br />charges are designed to recover as much of the cost for providing services as possible while remaining <br />comparable with comparable cities. Chan indicated that the recommended new fee increases for FY 06- <br />07 is projected to generate an additional $309K in revenue. The proposed fee changes primarily reflects <br />CPI changes, New Construction Cost Index escalation, the expansion of park fees to include more parks <br />and a charge to non-profits for weekend and peek hour park usage. Two new fees introduced include Fire <br />permit issuance fee and an insufficient business license information fee. The fee changes will again be <br />discussed during the Public Hearing during the 1St week of May. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Oro Loma Municipal Service Fee <br />Hollister reviewed the analysis and methodology used to validate the City's 10% Municipal services on <br />Oro Loma. Currently, the solid waste customers in the L-3 Oro Loma Area, which is in the southern part <br />of San Leandro, are being serviced by Waste Management of Alameda County. Currently, these residents <br />
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