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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CURRENT YEAR INTERNAL CONTROL COlYIl`dIENTS <br />JUNE 30, 2005 <br />DEPRECIATION EXPENSE CALCULATIONS <br />Cor7unent <br />Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of .Smerica require that depreciation be calculated <br />based on the estimate useful life of all depreciable Capital assets. Our audit revealed that there eras <br />approximately $8,000 in depreciation expense on Redevelopment Agency Capital assets that was not recorded for <br />the current fiscal year. ~~re also obsertred that this was the second year that no depreciation was calculated or <br />recorded for Land Improvements for the City. Although the u1u-ecorded amounts are immaterial to the financials <br />on the whole, if this omission continues, it would be material. <br />Recornmendatiorz <br />V~rerecommend that depreciation be taken on all assets as required by current accounting principles generally <br />accepted in the United States of America- <br />