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8D Consent 2009 1207
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Packet 2009 1207
8D Consent 2009 1207
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12/3/2009 12:12:57 PM
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12/3/2009 12:12:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SNUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2009-10 <br />Business Improvement District History <br />In FY 2008-09, anticipating the expiration of the BID, the BID Advisory Board and the SLTMO <br />asked the City Council to re-establish the BID for a five year period. After completing <br />appropriate noticing to over 380 businesses within the BID service area and conducting a public <br />hearing as required by State law, on April 6, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. <br />2009-002 re-establishing the BID. The City received protest ballots from 37 businesses totaling <br />nine percent (9%) opposition, when weighted by the businesses' number of employees. The <br />employee-weighted votes were less than 50% of possible number of votes, thus providing the <br />City Council discretion to approve the Ordinance and re-establish the BID. <br />The BID has generated between $135,000 to $145,000 in previous years for LINKS operations <br />and administrative costs. As part of the BID process, the City Council has appointed two City <br />staff designees and three to five business representatives to serve on the West San Leandro <br />Shuttle Business Improvement District Advisory Board (Advisory Board) to review the <br />performance of the LINKS, the specific program supported by the West San Leandro Shuttle <br />Business Improvement District. <br />The five- to seven-member Advisory Board appointed by the San Leandro City Council includes <br />the City's Engineering and Transportation Director and the Director of Finance (or their <br />designees) along with three to five business representatives of businesses within the BID and <br />paying the BID assessment. The business members appointed to the Advisory Board are Dora <br />Wong of Coca Cola Bottling Company, Geza Paulovitz of Eric F. Anderson, Inc., Joyce Lee, <br />The North Face, and Alexandra Munoz, Peterson Companies. The Advisory Board's duties <br />include a review of the performance of LINKS for FY 2008-09, a review of the budget for FY <br />2009-10 and a recommendation for the FY 2009-10 BID assessments. <br />Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2009-10 Assessment <br />With respect to the BID assessment for FY 2009-10, the Advisory Board recommends that the <br />San Leandro City Council maintain the $25 base fee and the assessment of $10.88 per employee, <br />specifically in light of the continuing downturn in the economy. The BID fee per employee has <br />remained flat since 2005 when it was adjusted by the Consumer Price Index. This year, it is <br />anticipated that the BID will generate $135,000, approximately 38%, of the total LINKS <br />operating budget. The remaining operating funds will come from grants. <br />EXHIBIT A - Ridership Statistics <br />EXHIBIT B - LINKS Informational Brochure (includes the route map) <br />5PN iEnNnaoB,~yr y~ <br />JR <br />-~ <br />G:AOBD~Files RDAAWSL-MacArthur AreaALLNKS ShuttleAAdvisory Committee12009-2010 Anwal Report~.4~nuel Report_doc <br /> <br />
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