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within the BID. The current business members appointed to the Advisory Board are, Dora Wong, <br />Geza Paulovitz, Joyce Lee, and Alexandra Munoz. On November 24th, the Advisory Board met <br />with City staff to complete a review of the LINKS Shuttle. The Advisory Board is pleased to <br />present to the City Council the attached FY 2009-10 Annual Report. <br />The Annual Report includes a review of the LINKS budget and performance for FY 2008-09, a <br />review of the planned operations and budget for FY 2009-10, and a recommendation for the FY <br />2009-10 BID assessment. After an intensive study of the LINKS, the Advisory Board made <br />several recommendations to continue operations and improve the financial performance of the <br />shuttle. The following is a summary of those recommendations: <br />1. The Advisory Board recommends continuation of the annual LINKS Rider and <br />Employer Survey. The recommendation includes adding questions to the survey <br />regarding the riders' age and the riders' preferred language. Funding is included in the <br />FY 2009-10 budget. <br />2. The Advisory Board recommends continued outreach and marketing to keep the <br />business community informed of the shuttle service. An electronic information page <br />shall be developed for the purpose of email distribution that employers can forward to <br />their employees. The Executive Director shall continue to aggressively market the <br />program to companies in the BID area using a wide variety of marketing and <br />communication efforts. Specifically, the bilingual informational brochure, electronic <br />information page, website, and promotional poster. <br />3. Grant funding from the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program (TFCA) and <br />Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) totals $277,500 in FY <br />2009-10 and $210,000 in FY 2010-ll.The Advisory Board recommends pursuit of <br />additional grant funding for FY 2010-11 and beyond. <br />4. Due to current economic conditions, the Advisory Board recommends maintaining the <br />BID base fee rate of $25.00 and the per-employee assessment rate of $10.88 in FY <br />2009-10. Although Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustments are allowable, the BID <br />rates have remained unchanged since FY 2005-06. <br />For FY 2009-10, it is anticipated that the BID will generate approximately $135,000, or 38%, of <br />the total operating budget for the shuttle. The remaining operating funds will come from grant <br />funding. <br />Current City Council Policy -Not applicable. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• Ordinance No. 2004-013, adopted June 21, 2004, amending Title 2 of the San Leandro <br />Municipal Code to add a new Chapter 15 establishing the West San Leandro Business <br />Improvement District <br />• Resolution No. 2004-153, adopted October 4, 2004, forming the West San Leandro Shuttle <br />Business Improvement District Advisory Board <br />• Ordinance No. 2004-021, adopted October 18, 2004, specifying the time and manner of <br />collecting the West San Leandro Shuttle BID assessments <br />