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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO.2009- <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN <br />LEANDRO AND ALAMEDA COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING <br />ROUND 2 OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM CREATED <br />THROUGH THE FEDERAL AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF <br />2009 <br />Reritalc <br />WHEREAS, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 includes an <br />allocation of funds for additional activities under Division B, Title III of the Housing and <br />Economic Recovery Act of 2008, and the additional funds are referred to as the Neighborhood <br />Stabilization Program 2 ("NSP2"); and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of NSP2 is to assist in the redevelopment and rehabilitation of <br />abandoned and foreclosed properties, and NSP2 is a component of the federal Community <br />Development Block Grant Program ("CDBG"); and <br />WHEREAS, on May 4, 2009, the United States Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development ("HUD") issued a Notice of Fund Availability ("NOFA") seeking applications for <br />grants of NSP2 funds for the purpose of carrying out neighborhood stabilization programs; and <br />WHEREAS, the NOFA permits a consortium of public and nonprofit entities (which <br />may include governmental entities, local governments, and private nonprofit organizations) to <br />apply for NSP2 funds; and <br />WHEREAS, the County of Alameda, (the "County"), the City of Emeryville, a <br />municipal corporation (`Brner v~ ille"), the City of Alameda, a municipal corporation <br />("Alameda"), the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation ("San Leandro"), the City of <br />Hayward, a municipal corporation ("Hayward"), the City of Union City, a municipal corporation <br />("Union City"), the City of Fremont, a municipal corporation ("Fremont"), the City of Newark, a <br />municipal corporation ("Newark"), the City of Pleasanton, a municipal corporation <br />("Pleasanton"), the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation ("Dublin"), and the City of <br />Livermore, a municipal corporation ("Livermore"), entered into a consortium ("Consortium") for <br />the purpose of submitting an application to HUD for NSP2 funds and together constitute the <br />Consortium Members; and <br />WHEREAS, Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department is <br />designated as the lead member (the "Lead Member") of the Consortium, submitted a grant <br />application for NSP2 funds to HUD on behalf of the Consortium in the amount of Eleven Million <br />Dollars ($11,000,000) (the "Application") by its deadline of July 17, 2009; and <br />WHEREAS, if the Application is approved by HUD, the County will be the direct grant <br />recipient and will execute the NSP2 grant standard agreement with HUD on behalf of the <br />