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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2009- <br />RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO'S COMMITMENT TO <br />OBESITY PREVENTION, AND ENDORSING THE HEALTHY EATING ACTIVE LIVING <br />(HEAL) CITIES CAMPAIGN <br />WHEREAS, in ?004, the League of California Cities adopted an Annual Conference <br />resolution to encourage cities to embrace policies that facilitate activities to promote healthier <br />lifestyles and communities, including healthy diet and nutrition and adoption of city design and <br />planning principles that enable citizens of all ages and abilities to undertake exercise; and <br />WHEREAS, the League of California Cities has a strategic goal to promote and develop <br />safe and healthy cities; and <br />WHEREAS, more than half of California's adults are overweight or obese and therefore <br />at risk for many chronic conditions including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, <br />and, hypertension; and <br />WHEREAS, one in four youth between the ages of 9 and 16 in California is overweight <br />and 31% of San Leandro Stn_9tn graders tested were overweight; <br />WHEREAS, more children are being diagnosed with diseases linked to being overweight <br />and obese previously seen only in adults, such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease; and <br />WHEREAS, the current generation of children are expected to have shorter lives than <br />their parents due to the consequences of obesity; and <br />WHEREAS, obesity takes a tremendous toll on the health and productivity of all <br />Californians; <br />WHEREAS, the estimated amlual cost to California-in medical bills, workers <br />compensation and lost productivity- for overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity will reach <br />$52.7 billion in 2011; if the state is able to achieve a 5% reduction in the prevalence of these risk <br />factors, the savings realized would average nearly $2.4 billion per year; <br />WHEREAS, California Senate Bill 375 and Assembly Bill 32 call on cities to adopt plans <br />to reduce greenhouse emissions which include reducing vehicular miles traveled; and <br />WHEREAS, local land use policy governs development of the built environment in <br />which individuals make personal nutrition and physical activity choices; and <br />WHEREAS, supporting the health of residents and the local workforce would decrease <br />chronic disease and health care costs and increase productivity. <br />