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into account the proposed implementation plans and activities for use of funds by adjacent units <br />of local government that are also grant recipients; 4) description of how the City will coordinate <br />and share information with the state regarding activities carried out with grant funds to maximize <br />energy efficiency and conservation benefits; 5) description of how this plan has been designed to <br />ensure that it sustains benefits beyond the EECBG funding period; and 6) description of the <br />auditing or monitoring procedures in place or that will be in place, to ensure funds are used for <br />authorized purposes and every step is taken to prevent instances of fraud, waste, error, and abuse. <br />Because Planning staff had already been in contract with KEMA, Inc. for preparation of the <br />Climate Action Plan, the staff working group for the EECBG felt it was appropriate to also <br />contract with KEMA for preparation of the EECS. <br />The staff working group used a balanced approach in assessing potential EECBG projects, <br />keeping in mind the Program's objectives and the requirements for eligible projects. Staff is <br />proposing a combination of municipal building projects that are shovel-ready; programs that are <br />geared towards the residential .and non-profit communities and may be able to leverage future <br />funding from other sources; and regional assistance programs that could conceivably live beyond <br />the 36-month program implementation timeline. <br />At this time, staff is recommending that the following allocation be requested from DOE: <br />Pro'ect Amount <br />Sto `Green Packages' ro am $13,350 <br />Loans for rivate homeowners/non- rofits $150,000 <br />Ener Retrofit Education course (3 classes/year x 3 ears x 20 eo le/class) $87,500 <br />Cit Hall HVAC and Li htin -Chan e Controls $86,000 <br />Main Library HVAC -Chan e Controls $150,000 <br />MCC HVAC -Chan e Controls $9,730 <br />Police HVAC -Chan e Controls $100,000 <br />U rade LED Street Li hts $75,820 <br />Administration $25,000 <br />Pre aration of EECS $35,000 <br />Grant Total $732,400 <br />This money was allocated and work was completed as part of the initial grant submittal. <br />Based upon data produced by KEMA, these projects cumulatively will have the following annual <br />community outcomes: <br />• Reduction of 2,168 metric tons of COZ <br />• Savings of 209,077 therms of natural gas <br />• Savings of 3,662,732 kWh in electricity <br />• Creation retention of 7 FTE jobs (this amount is calculated by DOE, with each $94,000 of <br />grant funding equivalent to a job) <br />• 800 homes with improved energy efficiency (created through participation in the Green <br />Packages program, loans for audits, and energy retrofits accomplished by residents who <br />participate in City-run classes <br />• 100 non-residential buildings with improved energy efficiency <br />• Improved energy efficiency and lower utility costs for 300 street lights and 4 City buildings <br />