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Ranked Choice Voting 3 December 7, 2009 <br />A robust outreach and education campaign would need to be conducted, to prepare San Leandro <br />voters to use RCV, This campaign would be labor-intensive for a month or more prior to the <br />November 2010 election, require significant staff resources, and cost approximately $20,000. <br />This $20,000 for "voter education and outreach" is incorporated in the estimated $170,000 cost <br />for RCV listed above, and would be used for printed informational materials-tri-fold brochures <br />and a special mailer to voters. A flash media presentation, video clip, and television and radio <br />public service announcements would be part of the RCV voter outreach and education campaign. <br />The overall time savings from holding one RCV election rather than two traditional elections <br />would be approximately 200 hours per election cycle. The staffing in the City Clerk's Office, <br />which is responsible for conducting municipal elections, has been reduced from 3.5 FTEs in FY <br />2005-06, to 2.0 FTEs currently, and the staff time saved by using RCV could be devoted to other <br />priority projects or mandates. <br />Timeline <br />The SOS administrative approval must be given before the RCV system can be used. Without <br />this approval, the Council must call the June 2010 election no later than February 1, 2010, and <br />preferably on January 19, 2010. <br />ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION <br />There is no requirement for San Leandro to use RCV. The voters of Berkeley and Oakland have <br />passed Charter amendments, requiring that their cities use RCV when it is available. The <br />Council may want to consider placing a measure on a future ballot, asking the voters whether or <br />not they want to use RCV in future elections. <br />San Leandro can only use RCV if both Berkeley and Oakland also participate; however, at this <br />point, neither city has taken action to move forward with RCV. <br />The Alameda County Registrar of Voters has been in steady contact with the SOS, and has <br />communicated the urgent need for approval of the RCV system so that election plans can move <br />forward. However, the County still does not have approval to use RCV. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />The City Charter was amended in 2000 to require that a successful candidate receive 50%+1 of <br />the votes cast for that office, and to allow the use of an instant runoff voting system when such <br />technology is available to the City. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />A City Council work session on RCV was held on July 13, 2009. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />The City Council Rules and Communications Committee reviewed the matter at its meeting on <br />October 27, 2009, and recommended forwarding consideration of RCV to the full City Council <br />for discussion and decision. <br />