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4. Discussion Regarding Possible Agenda Items for the November 23 Meeting with Port <br />Aviation Committee <br />The Committee recommended four items for discussion: <br />• An overview of the 1976 settlement agreement between the Port and Alameda that <br />established a quiet hours program and a preferential runway use agreement. What are <br />the elements of the quiet hours program and the preferential runway use agreement? <br />Also, what impact does that agreement have on San Leandro? <br />• What is the status of the FAA Reauthorization Bill? <br />• What are the current operation levels at the airport - cargo, passenger and general <br />aviation? What are the projections for operation numbers next year? <br />• What is the status of the FedEx fleet mix at OAK? <br />5. Public Comments <br />John Manuel expressed concern about air quality. His neighborhood continues to experience a <br />jet fuel odor. He agreed that it may be time for some new community representative <br />appointments to the airport groups, although he is more than willing to continue to serve. He <br />also thinks citizen representatives should come to the Airport Committee meetings. Staff <br />replied that, since the Committee meetings are during the business day, that may not be <br />possible. <br />Wafaa Aborashed commented on the noise monitor her neighborhood. The residents living <br />next to the monitor on Tudor Ct. have both had cancer and she was wondering if the monitors <br />cause any ill health effects. She also continues to have concerns about helicopter operations <br />over the Davis West neighborhood during the day. She feels the Committee needs to be more <br />involved in air quality issues. <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Prola suggested the Committee might consider meeting times that could be <br />more convenient for the citizen representatives to attend. <br />Vice Mayor Starosciak shared an anonymous letter sent to the Committee regarding another <br />type of window being considered for the residential Insulation Program. City Manager <br />Hollister reported that a copy of the letter had already been sent to the project manager. She <br />also asked that a discussion with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District be scheduled <br />for the next meeting regarding jet fuel pollution. <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:04 a.m. <br />