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Facilities and Transportation Committee 2 November l0, 1009 <br />Councilmember Reed asked if awalk-through of the Senior Center is possible. Ken answered <br />yes and that he could set up a time convenient to the Council members. Councilmember Reed <br />will contact Ken with the date and time. <br />Steve Hollister advised the Committee of funding problems relating to fixtures and furniture. <br />The cost cannot be covered under the Redevelopment bond and will need to be covered using <br />general fund reserves. Steve will continue to update Mayor Santos and will also bring the item <br />to Council for consideration. <br />Downtown Lighting & Pedestrian Improvements <br />o Spring opening on schedule <br />o Punch list and PG&E meter relocation work need to be finalized <br />In addition to naming the Bay Trail, Mayor Santos asked to look into naming the Downtown <br />Plaza and including plaques for either side of the plaza. Steve and the E&T staff will look into <br />this as well. <br />WashingtonBeatrice/I-880 <br />o Competition is expected for the end November/December timefrarne <br />0 21 inches of asphalt had to be put in <br />o The pavement rehabilitation on Washington Avenue that was funded by a federal <br />grant is complete <br />• 200$-2009 Roadway Rehabilitation Project <br />o Funded by Measure B and Stimulus funds <br />o Cement treated base material in the soil and a layer of asphalt used as the typical <br />design method <br />• Annual Street Sealing <br />o Street sections treated <br />o Will continue into 2010 on other street sections <br />• Marina Channel Dredging <br />o Dredging began last week. Contractor's equipment suffered motor damage and is <br />in the process of being repaired. They anticipate dredging will resume next week. <br />• Bay Trail Shoreline Riprap Repairs <br />o Project funded by FEMA <br />o High tide and storm surge is the cause of damaged shoreline <br />o Completion in December 2009 <br />• Temporary Parking Lots <br />o When complete, they will serve as a public parking lots until needed as <br />replacement parking while the Callan Street Garage project is constructed <br />o At the 262 Davis Street location -underground old bunkers were discovered, <br />which will need to be filled and closed before work can continue <br />