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UPRR Corridor Improvement Study CITY No. 144-36-288 <br />County -City Funding Agreement Attachment A <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASK BREAKDOWN <br />Project Title: Union Pacific (Oakland Subdivision) Railroad Corridor Improvement <br />Study <br />CITY Project Number: No. 144-36-288 <br />Total CITY Funds Pledged to Project: $ 25,000 <br />Total Alameda County Funds Pledged to Project: $25,000 <br />Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Discretionary Funds: $75,000 <br />Total Project Cost: $ 125,000 <br />Percentage: Total CITY Funds Pledged to Project/Total Project Cost: 20.0 <br />Project Description: <br />In general, the Project consists of preparing a Railroad Corridor Improvement Plan for the <br />Oakland Subdivision of the Union Pacific (LJP) Railroad Corridor from High Street in <br />Oakland to the Union City BART Station as described in the project application submitted <br />by County to CITY. <br />In particular, the Plan, which is essentially a feasibility study, will study if and how the <br />current active UP railroad corridor could be utilized as a bicycle/pedestrian transportation <br />corridor, and/or additional improvements that could be made to enhance the aesthetics and <br />non-rail uses of this currently low-usage rail line. The Plan will examine and analyze <br />alternative scenarios for the rail corridor, such as increased rail service, rail abandonment, <br />shared rails with trails, rail-banking, greenway, and park. The Final Plan will identify a <br />preferred alternative fox the corridor and an overall implementation plan for moving this <br />alternative forward. The Plan will also include conceptual plans, right-of--way analysis, cost <br />estimates, potential revenue sources, preliminary environmental analysis, and a review of <br />regulatory issues. Additionally, a Joint Powers Authority QPA) will be created, if deemed <br />necessary, during the Plan development. <br />The Plan will consider and respond to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (NITC) <br />Regional Rail Study recommendations for this UP rail line. The Plan will also be tightly <br />coordinated with the "East Bay Greenway" project, led by Urban Ecology, which proposes a <br />multi-use path underneath the elevated BART tracks and which runs parallel to the UP rail <br />line. To the full extent feasible, the Plan will build on the data, maps, public outreach, and <br />conclusions developed to support the Greenway project; and will examine how these two <br />projects can build upon each other. <br />As a part of the Plan development, all affected jurisdictions and agencies will be engaged and <br />regular stakeholder meetings will be held. Public outreach will also be conducted, building <br />on the outreach initiated by Urban Ecology for the East Bay Greenway project. The final <br />BikePed-Cycle3-A070004-ACPWA-UPRR Page 8 of 12 <br />