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Reso 2009-157
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2009-157
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12/8/2009 4:30:00 PM
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12/8/2009 4:29:59 PM
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2009-10 <br />Organization (SLTMO), a 501 C (3) non-profit corporation, was formed to handle the day-to-day <br />operations and to provide operational oversight of LINKS. <br />In early 2004, during preparation of the FY 2004-OS budget, the SLTMO proposed along-term <br />revenue plan to provide sustainable ongoing funding for the LINKS. The funding model included <br />contributions from the business community, grant funding and financial support from the <br />Agency on an as-needed basis. For FY 2004-05, the SLTMO asked the City Council to establish <br />a BID to assess the business community served by the LINKS an annual fee to pay far a portion <br />of operating costs. With this guaranteed revenue source, the SLTMO would continue to seek <br />grant opportunities to fund the remainder of the LINKS budget. <br />After completing appropriate notices and public hearings as required by State law, on June 21, <br />2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2004-013 establishing the BID. The BID included <br />a total of 380 businesses within the service area and was projected to generate $135,000 in <br />revenue. The FY 2004-OS BID assessment was set at a base fee of $25, plus $10.56 per <br />employee. Businesses with five or fewer employees, landlords, and non-profits were exempt <br />from the BID assessment. The BID assessment imposed by the ordinance was to sunset after four <br />years and expired on June 30, 2009. <br />During FY 2004-05, the SLTMO and the City continued to pursue all available grant <br />opportunities to support the shuttle program. The City was again successful in obtaining a grant <br />from the BAAQMD; and the SLTMO, in partnership with the Davis Street Family Resource <br />Center (DSFRC), obtained a second two-year LIFT grant in the amount of $266,666. Since the <br />LIFT grant from MTC was provided to fund transportation for DSFRC clients, the SLTMO <br />expanded the LINKS route in January 2005 to include the DSFRC, located on Teagarden Street. <br />The change in the service route to include DSFRC required the original BID to be re-formed to <br />include additional businesses that lie within one-quarter mile of the expanded service area. <br />For FY 2008-09, anticipating the expiration of the BID, the BID Advisory Board and the <br />SLTMO asked the City Council to re-establish the BID for a five year period. After completing <br />appropriate noticing to over 380 businesses within the BID service area and conducting a public <br />hearing as required by State law, on April 6, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. <br />2009-002 re-establishing the BID. The City received protest ballots from 37 businesses totaling <br />nine percent (9%) opposition, when weighted by the businesses' number of employees. The <br />employee-weighted votes were less than 50% of possible number of votes, thus providing the <br />City Council discretion to approve the Ordinance and re-establish the BID. <br />The FY 2008-09 BID assessment was set at a base fee of $25, plus $10.88 per employee. <br />Businesses with five or fewer employees, landlords, and non-profits were exempt from the BID <br />assessment. (Note: The BID rates have been held at the same levels without any increase since <br />FY 2005-06). <br />LINKS Shuttle Ridership <br />LINKS ridership in FY 2008-09 totaled 145,066. Ridership statistics since LINKS inception are <br />included in Exhibit A. Adverse economic conditions such as downsizing, relocation and closures <br />__. _ <br />2~Page <br />
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