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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby recognizes <br />that obesity is a serious public health threat to the health and well-being of adults, children and <br />families in San Leandro. While individual lifestyle changes are necessary, individual effort <br />alone is insufficient to combat obesity's rising tide. Significant societal and environmental <br />changes are needed to support individual efforts to make healthier choices. To that end, the City <br />of San Leandro adopts this Healthy Eating Active Living resolution, as follows: <br />I. Built Environment <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City of San Leandro planners, engineers, parks, <br />recreation, community economic and redevelopment personnel responsible for the design and <br />construction of parks, neighborhoods, streets, and business areas, should make every effort to: <br />• Consider capital improvements projects to increase the opportunities for physical activity <br />in existing areas; <br />• Plan and construct a built environment that encourages walking, biking and other forms <br />of physical activity; <br />• Address walking and biking connectivity between residential neighborhoods and schools, <br />parks, recreational resources, and retail; <br />• Facilitate the siting of new grocery stores, community gardens, urban agriculture and <br />farmers markets in underserved communities to increase access to healthy food, including <br />fresh fruits and vegetables; <br />• Expand community access to indoor and outdoor public facilities through joint use <br />agreements with schools and/or other partners; <br />• Revise comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances to increase opportunities for physical <br />activity including compact, mixed-use and transit-oriented development; <br />• Include health goals and policies related to physical activity and access to healthy food in <br />the general plan update. <br />II. Employee Wellness <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to promote wellness within the City of San <br />Leandro and to set an example for other businesses, the City of San Leandro pledges to continue <br />employee wellness activities, including: <br />• Publicizing employee health incentives made available by its medical benefit providers; <br />• Forwarding to all staff via email any complimentary issues received ofwellness-related <br />newsletters and e-zines; <br />• Encouraging walking meetings and the use of stairways; <br />• Reasonably accommodating lactating employees; <br />• Encouraging physical activity breaks for meetings over two hours in length; <br />• Coordinating flu vaccinations for City employees when provided at no cost to the City; <br />• Providing links to wellness information via its Intranet; and <br />• Encouraging local fitness centers to offer discounts to City employees. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to encourage healthy eating by providing nutritious, low- <br />fat choices among food offered at City events, City-sponsored meetings, City facilities, <br />concessions, and programs. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2009-162 2 <br />