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Climate Action Plan 2 December 21, 2009 <br />Milestone 1 -Baseline Emissions Inventory and Forecast Report <br />The purpose of the baseline emissions inventory was to determine the levels of greenhouse gas <br />emissions that the City of San Leandro emitted in its base year, 2005, on a municipal level (City <br />operations) and on a community-wide level. The emissions inventory was completed by ICLEI <br />using software which estimates emissions derived from energy consumption. Energy <br />consumption data was collected from the following sources: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Bay Area Air Quality Management District <br />(BAAQMD), BART,, Waste Management Inc., Alameda County Industries, Inc. <br />(ACI) and the US Environmental Protection Agency. The emissions inventory includes all <br />energy consumed within the city limits, even though the electricity was produced (and emissions <br />generated) elsewhere. <br />The City of San Leandro Baseline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report was completed <br />in January 2007, with an update in December 2008. The inventory data is summarized in <br />Chapter 2 of the attached Climate Action Plan. <br />Milestone 2 -Emissions Reduction Target Goal <br />In 2005, the U.S. Conference of Mayors developed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection <br />Agreement which urged the federal and state governments to enact policies and programs to <br />meet the Kyoto Protocol target. Former Mayor Young signed the U.S. Mayors Climate <br />Protection Agreement on the City's behalf. <br />In September 2006, the State of California enacted AB 32, the Global Warming Act of 2006, <br />which creates a statewide greenhouse gas emission limit that would reduce statewide emissions <br />to 1990 levels by 2020. Reaching this target necessitates an approximate reduction in <br />greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 25-30 percent below the level of emissions that the <br />State is forecasted to reach by 2020. On February 5, 2007 the San Leandro City Council adopted <br />a goal to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels 25 percent below 2005 levels by <br />2020. This goal is consistent with AB 32. <br />Milestone 3 -Climate Action Plan <br />In June 2008, the City received a $40,000 grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management <br />District (BAAQMD) to assist with the development of the CAP. The grant has covered the <br />contract for KEMA, an energy consulting firm, to complete quantitative analysis of the measures <br />that the City is considering and to put together this draft CAP. The grant has also funded apart- <br />time Climate Action Intern and other costs associated with creating the CAP. <br />Work on climate protection has been focused on developing programs with the Climate <br />Protection Task Force ("Task Force"), and engaging with the public on sustainability efforts. <br />Since January 2009, the Task Force has been meeting on a regular basis to develop the proposed <br />programs that are contained in the CAP. The energy consulting firm, KEMA, began work on the <br />CAP in May 2009. The draft CAP was presented to the Task Force in October and to City <br />Council and the Planning Commission in work sessions on November 9 and November 19, 2009, <br />respectively. <br />