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WHEREAS, CRL Sections 33334.2(g) authorizes the Agency to use monies from <br />a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund outside of a prof ect area only upon adoption <br />of resolutions by the Agency and City Council finding that such use will be of benefit to <br />the project area; <br />WHEREAS, the Agency Board desires by this Resolution to declare that the <br />expenditure of monies from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds established <br />for the WSL Project Area and the Joint Project Area will be of benefit to such Project <br />Areas when such funds are used in accordance with the requirements of the CRL for the <br />purpose of providing financing for the Project and for other purposes authorized by CRL <br />Section 33334.2, either within or outside the Project Areas; <br />WHEREAS, the Agency has authorized the issuance of its not to exceed <br />$8,500,000 aggregate principal amount of Redevelopment Agency of the City of San <br />Leandro Tax Allocation Housing Bonds, Series 2010 (the "Bonds") the proceeds of <br />which are intended to be used to fund the Agency Loan and other purposes authorized by <br />CRL Section 33334.2; <br />WHEREAS, to facilitate the issuance of the Bonds upon favorable terms and the <br />financing of the Project in a timely manner in accordance with deadlines imposed by the <br />California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC), the Agency has requested that the <br />City provide the Agency with ashort-term interim loan (the "City Loan"), if needed, in <br />an amount not to exceed Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars $6,900,000 and in <br />accordance with the terms set forth in the promissory note attached to the staff report <br />accompanying this resolution (the "Note"), and the City has agreed to provide such <br />financing. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Redevelopment <br />Agency of the City of San Leandro as follows: <br />Section 1. The Agency fmds and determines that the expenditure of monies from <br />the Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds established for the Joint Project Area and <br />the WSL Project Area to assist in the financing of the Project and the funding of the <br />Agency Loan, and for other purposes authorized by CRL Section 33334.2, either within <br />or outside the Project Areas, will be of benefit to such Project Areas. <br />Section 2. The Agency authorizes the expenditure of monies from the Low and <br />Moderate Income Housing Funds established for the Joint Project Area and the WSL <br />Project Area both inside and outside each such Project Area for purposes authorized by <br />Section 33334.2 and in accordance with the requirements of the CRL, and specifically <br />authorizes the expenditure of monies from such Funds to assist in the financing of the <br />Project, including without limitation, by funding the Agency Loan and by paying <br />principal and interest on the Bonds and other expenses associated therewith. <br />Section 3. The Agency approves the acceptance of the City Loan, if required, and <br />agrees to repay such loan in accordance with the terms set forth in the Note; <br />1335765-1 2 <br />