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BusHsgDev Highlights 2009 1210
City Clerk
City Council
Business & Housing Development Committee
BusHsgDev Highlights 2009 1210
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Last modified
12/24/2009 9:07:07 AM
Creation date
12/24/2009 9:07:06 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Committee Highlights
Document Date (6)
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_CC Agenda 2010 0104
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0104
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Tenants must include a copy of the lease agreement and an affidavit from the property owner <br />allowing them to make the proposed building and site modifications. Tenants will also be <br />required to verify that they have at least afive-year lease on the property. The property owner <br />will be required to co-sign the Owner Participation Agreement. <br />Financing <br />All ICG funding will be awarded as a reimbursement upon project completion, although <br />applicable Agreement documents can be executed prior to initiation of the project. <br />Funds will be awarded in the form of a forgivable loan. Loans are structured as an interest <br />bearing, forgivable one-year loan. The improvement project will be evaluated after one year by <br />Agency staff to determine if it continues to meet the terms of the Agreement with the Agency. If <br />no default occurs within the term of the Agreement, the loan is forgiven and the Participant will <br />have no further obligation. If a default occurs as defined in the Agreement, the loan becomes due <br />and payable immediately. Agency staff has the discretion to wank with the Participant to cure the <br />default and structure a repayment schedule. <br />Upon notice of a change in ownership of the Project during the term of the Agreement, the loan <br />maybe assigned to the new participant at the sole discretion of Agency staff. <br />Prevailing Wade <br />To the extent applicable to the project, all contractors and agents hired by the Participant shall <br />comply with California Labor Code Section 1720 et seq. ("Prevailing Wage Laws") and shall be <br />responsible for carrying out the requirements of the law. Participants in the ICG Program are <br />solely responsible for determining whether Prevailing Wage Laws apply to the project. <br />2 <br />
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