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East Bay Green Corridor Update <br />December 3, 2009 <br />In August 2009, the East Bay Green Corridor's (EBGC) first full-time Executive Director, Carla <br />Din, began leading the organization and San Leandro began participating in committee <br />meetings. In addition to the steering committee, the subcommittees include: Business <br />Development; Marketing; Innovative Policy; and Green Career/Employment. Assistant City <br />Manager Lianne Marshall and Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg are <br />participating in the committees on behalf of the City of San Leandro. <br />To date, the EBGC has been awarded $4.7 million in ARRA green jobs grants that will be used <br />for green building training, job creation coordination and industry outreach. <br />The EBGC joined the Low Carbon Cities Program, one of five programs included in a major <br />U.S./China climate initiative called U.S. China Cooperation on Energy and Climate. The purpose <br />of the program is to demonstrate successful strategies for addressing the challenges of climate <br />change in ways that save money, produce sustainable business and community development, <br />and generate substantial economic and employment growth. <br />Following the submittal of a letter of Intent to the CA State Business, Transportation & Housing <br />Agency, the EBGC received green light to submit a full proposal for Innovation Hub (iHub) <br />certification. Through the iHub program, the state's lead economic development agency will <br />promote collaboration and commercialization of technology to stimulate job creation. <br />Companies and research institutions within the iHubs will benefit from enhanced partnership <br />opportunities, national and international exposure, and increased marketing opportunities. <br />The Business Development Committee has identified the following priorities: iHub certification, <br />developing an emerging green business incubator located near UCB/LBNL; working with cities <br />to identify "Opportunity Sites" for cluster developments; and promotion of green businesses <br />through policy supports. <br />The Bay Area's East Shore Cities, which includes the cities of Alameda, Berkeley, Emeryville, <br />Oakland and San Leandro, designated the approximately $30,000 remaining in their marketing <br />budget to assist in EBGC marketing efforts, including expansion of the EBGC website. San <br />Leandro staff will play an active role in the Marketing Committee which has been inactive to <br />date but will begin work on a marketing strategy. <br />An EBGC subcommittee met to discuss development of a grant application for part of the $390 <br />million available from the Department of Energy for Retrofit Ramp-Up projects. <br />On October 24, 2009, the EBGC hosted a team from Freiburg, Germany's Solar Information <br />Center (SIC). SIC is looking to development amulti-tenanted building of green technology <br />