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- Support employment development opportunities in emerging green industries <br />- Build a more cohesive regional identity in energy-related green business sectors <br />- Protect our economies from climate change and energy shocks <br />- Improve the environment and quality of life <br />East Bay Green Corridor Priorities <br />The East Bay Green Corridor is taking a multi pronged approach to boosting the local green technology <br />economy through the following high priority areas: <br />• Achieve California State "i-Hub," or Innovation Hub Certification <br />• Establish an incubator near UC Berkeley and LBNL for emerging green businesses <br />• Develop green business clusters in the EBGC, whether geographical, sectoral or supply-chain related <br />• Work with economic development staff in the EBGC cities to identify "Opportunity Sites" that match <br />green business space needs with available land parcels <br />• Support green business development through policy initiatives and/or incentive programs that can go <br />to regional scale and increase economic return to the EBGC <br />Apply cutting-edge LBNL and UC Berkeley energy efficiency technology & approaches, using the <br />Green Corridor region as a beta testing site for further technological refinement and development <br />• Ensure the local workforce is trained for the green jobs of today and the emerging green technology <br />growth sectors of tomorrow <br />Contacts: <br />Mayor Tom Bates Carla Din <br />EBGC Chairperson Director <br />City of Berkeley East Bay Green Corridor <br />2180 Milvia Street, 5~' Floor 1221 Oak St., Suite 555 <br />Berkeley, CA 94704 ~ Oakland, CA 94612 <br />(510) 981-7100 ph: (510) 272-3889 <br />e-mail: MaYor(c~CityofBerkeleY info e-mail: carlana,eastba e~da_org <br />