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The Committee asked if there has been any outreach to small businesses to reduce <br />commercial/retail closures and turnovers. Mr. Johnson replied that a new Small Business <br />Development Council has been formed and is active. Its objective is to have successful <br />businesses, large or small, to volunteer and provide information to small businesses so they can <br />learn about how to market a small business and what makes small businesses successful -the <br />concept is a support group for small businesses. <br />Discussion ensued about how the City markets itself to attract new businesses. Mr. Johnson and <br />staff mentioned that real estate brokers highlight the City's value in providing a high level of <br />customer and personal service and its transit rich location. Additionally benefits include a Utility <br />User Tax Rebate for businesses that exceed $400,000 per year in utility costs. The City has a low <br />business license tax in the East Bay based on employees as opposed to gross receipts. San <br />Leandro's retention of 90 percent of our industrial land exemplifies the City's commitment to <br />business and industry. <br />5. Update of Development Projects <br />Manager Battenberg reported that the Downtown Association holiday event `It's a Wonderful <br />Night' at Joaquin Plaza was very successful and well attended. Discussion ensued about how the <br />holiday lights have given Joaquin and Estudillo a very upscale, warm and welcoming ambiance - <br />being on the decorative light poles and the palm trees. Consideration will be given to keeping <br />those lights installed even after the holidays. <br />The temporary parking lots at Davis and Hays Streets and at the former Albertsons site are nearly <br />completed for public use. <br />The City met with the Automall Dealers Association recently to discuss the City's financial <br />situation and possible revenue measures. Although an increase in sales tax would theoretically <br />not affect sales as the tax on cars depends upon the buyer address, the association is concerned <br />that other auto dealers may spin the message to convince customers to not buy in San Leandro. <br />Discussion included the value to both the dealers and the City in a marketing campaign for the <br />Marina Boulevard Automall. Given the State take of redevelopment funds, the <br />City/Redevelopment Agency is unable to commit funding assistance at this time, however, there <br />was agreement that discussions should continue regarding the creation and funding of a <br />marketing campaign <br />Planning Manager Livermore reported that the proposed `Big Box Ordinance' revisions to the <br />General Plan and the Zoning Code were moving forward to the Planning Commission on <br />December 17, 2009 and ultimately the City Council on January 19, 2010. The revision is <br />intended to promote pedestrian-oriented retail and to prohibit big-box or discount superstores <br />(store exceeding 100,000 square feet in floor area and includes at least five percent of floor area <br />for perishables), to enhance the City's economic base and to reduce environmental impacts that <br />are inherent of these large businesses. <br />The Committee asked about the status of the removal of the Palma Plaza shed at the corner of <br />East 14th Street and 136th Avenue. Specialist Penaranda replied that the property owner entered <br />into a Commercial Rehabilitation Program Agreement to remove the shed and replace it with <br />paving and parking; however City Building permits have not yet been issued. The Committee <br />asked staff to contact the property owner and encourage him to move swifter on the project. <br />