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BusHsgDev Highlights 2009 1210
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Business & Housing Development Committee
BusHsgDev Highlights 2009 1210
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12/24/2009 9:07:07 AM
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12/24/2009 9:07:06 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2010 0104
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City of San Leandro <br />Industrial Competitiveness Grant Program <br />Industrial Competitiveness Grant Program Overview <br />The San Leandro Redevelopment Agency (Agency) Industrial Competitiveness Grant (ICG) <br />Program is designed to facilitate energy efficiency improvements to industrial facilities and <br />operations in the West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area. The <br />ICG Program serves to stimulate investment in energy projects in order to increase the economic <br />viability of industrial activity in the City by achieving energy cost reductions. Additionally, the <br />Program will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that result from industrial processes, <br />furthering an adopted City goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the City to 25% below <br />2005 levels by 2020. <br />The ICG Program will provide incentives to improve energy efficiency by providing access to <br />capital through forgivable loans of up to $50,000. The Agency will pay up to half of the out of <br />pocket costs of an improvement project. Participants in the program may either be property or <br />business owners. Funding for approved projects will be awarded in the form of a one-year <br />forgivable loan secured through an Owner Participation Agreement. Upon completion of the loan <br />term, the loan amount will be forgiven if the participant has maintained the improvements in <br />compliance with the Agreement. The funds can be used for any energy-efficiency improvements <br />consistent with the Redevelopment Plan, Zoning Code, and other applicable city, state, and <br />federal regulations. <br />Evaluation Criteria <br />Applications to the ICG Program will be evaluated and ranked by the following four criteria: <br />projected energy reduction and energy cost savings, payback period, likelihood to strengthen the <br />long-term viability of the business venture, and project design. These criteria are explained <br />further on the back of the ICG Program application. Projects will be accepted on a "first come, <br />first serve" basis; however, priority will be given to those projects that best meet the criteria. <br />Based on demand, the Agency may specify a certain time period during which applications are <br />received and evaluated, although no such time limitations exist at this time. <br />Application and Intake Process <br />Upon receipt of a complete application, staff will perform a preliminary project evaluation. <br />During this process the participant may be asked to meet with staff to answer questions and <br />provide additional information. <br />Once a project is selected to receive ICG Program funding, the applicant will be required to enter <br />into an Owner Participation Agreement which must be approved by the Agency. <br />Eli ibili <br />Applicants must own the industrial property to be improved, be tenants of the industrial property <br />or hold a master lease for the industrial property. The property must be located within the West <br />San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area. For information regarding <br />Redevelopment Project Areas, including a map, please visit the City's website at: <br /> ectareas.html <br />
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