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• All major components installed <br />• Initial start-up of equipment schedule for early December <br />• End of December or early January we should be actually online <br />and producing power <br />o Washington / Estabrook Signal Replacement <br />■ Signal foundations and conduits are being put in <br />■ Spring completion <br />o Projects Starting Construction <br />■ 2550 Davis Street Demolition <br />• Abatement in progress <br />■ East 14th Street Medians <br />• Contractor is mobilized <br />• Doing ramp work first <br />• Median construction will start after the first of the year <br />o Study projects starting <br />■ Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update <br />• Preliminary List of 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory <br />Committee <br />2. Discussion Regarding Update on I-880 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane <br />Project <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the I-880 High Occupancy <br />Vehicle (HOV) Lane Project. Keith stated that there was a community meeting held on <br />November 19, 2009 to receive comments on the project's environmental document. Ten <br />members of the public attended the meeting. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Reed <br />asked what the timeline is for the project. Keith stated that the environmental documents <br />should be completed by the end of the year and the design work should be completed by <br />mid to late 2010. The project will go out to bid in late 2010 or early 2011 and should <br />take about 2 years. <br />3. Discussion Regarding AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit <br />(BRT). He explained that the project is in the planning process and AC Transit is <br />working on some of the challenges involved in constructing the project. He stated that <br />three neighborhood meetings were held on October 22, October 27 and November 7, <br />2009 and more formal meetings are upcoming. Discussion ensued. Councilmember <br />Reed stated that she would like to have flyers to hand to the businesses on East 14th <br />Street. Councilmember Souza asked that the Chamber of Commerce be asked to send an <br />email blast regarding the upcoming meetings. Mayor Santos stated that he would not <br />want staff to make a recommendation until other city's studies are completed and the <br />three cities (Berkeley, Oakland and San Leandro) have come together to discuss the <br />project. He doesn't see a need for staff to move forward until the other two cities are on <br />