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Climate Action Plan 2 December 21, 2009 <br />providers) to develop a set of policies that would be combined with incentives and tied to a specific <br />action, including but not limited to point of sale. <br />Remove: <br />Adopt a Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance (RECO). A requirement for owners <br />to install energy efficiency upgrades prior to selling their homes/apartments, transferring title <br />of their property or when undertaking significant remodeling projects. Some of the <br />requirements of the ordinance include installation of compact fluorescent light bulbs, <br />weather stripping, low-flow showerheads, etc. PG&E offers rebates to help homeowners pay <br />for many of these upgrades including providing $0.15 per square foot of insulation installed, <br />discounted compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs and up to $400 for testing and sealing duct <br />systems. Many water-saving devices are available for free from EBMUD including water <br />conserving showerheads, kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators and toilet low flush bags. <br />Replace with: <br />Establish a standard for energy improvements in existing residential properties. In <br />collaboration with local realtors, energy service providers and other community <br />stakeholders, develop and phase in a local energy standard for existing residential buildings <br />that is designed to facilitate deep cost-effective reductions in energy use. Compliance with <br />energy standards maybe required to take advantage of certain incentives and financing, <br />and at certain major events such as major renovations, paint of sale and condo conversions. <br />Remove: <br />^ Adopt a Commercial Energy Conservation Ordinance (CECO). Require commercial <br />property owners to complete certain energy conservation measures in their buildings upon <br />transferring ownership or when additions or renovations of a certain threshold are initiated. <br />Funding for some improvements is available through PG8~E's rebate program, which offers <br />business customers rebates on hundreds of products including refrigeration units, lighting <br />fixtures, heating systems, food service appliances, boilers and water heaters, and insulation. <br />Replace with: <br />^ Establish a standard for energy improvements in existing commercial and industrial <br />properties. In collaboration with local realtors, businesses, energy service providers and <br />other community stakeholders, develop and phase in a local energy standard for existing <br />non-residential buildings that is designed to facilitate deep cost-effective reductions in <br />energy use. Compliance with energy standards maybe required to take advantage of <br />certain incentives and financing, and at certain major events such as major renovations, <br />point of sale and/or new leases. The standard may include thresholds for eligibility to <br />minimize adverse economic impacts. <br />