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2A Work Session 2010 0111
City Clerk
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Packet 2010 0111
2A Work Session 2010 0111
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1/8/2010 10:19:06 AM
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1/8/2010 10:19:06 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Worksession on Kaiser Medical Center Project January 11, 2010 <br />pg. 2 <br />Due to current economic conditions particularly affecting the local retail industry, the ICI <br />specific mixed-use retail application is no longer a part of the application. However, Kaiser still <br />intends to move forward with its application to develop the southern half of the property into a <br />state-of--the-art medical facility, and to retain ownership of the northern portion until such time as <br />the retail market improves. Kaiser intends to then sell the northern portion of the site to a retail <br />developer, who would then complete detailed design and construction of a mixed use <br />development project. <br />In 2008, Kaiser reaffirmed their decision to move forward with their application for a medical <br />center, and in October 2008 the City Council amended the scope of the EIR to include an <br />assessment of the medical center on a project level and a potential future mixed-use retail <br />development in a more general, programmatic manner. Staff and our EIR consultants are <br />preparing an EIR that assesses the impacts of Kaiser's current plans for development of the <br />property (described below as Phase 1) at a detailed, project-specific level If approved, Phase 1 <br />of the medical center is anticipated to commence in the spring of 2010 and be complete by <br />January 2013 (or, pursuant to the provisions of SB 1661, by January 2015). The precise timing, <br />order and rate of development associated with full buildout of the medical center are dependent <br />upon a number of currently unknown factors including changes in health care delivery <br />requirements, member needs, market orientation, interest rates, competition and other factors. <br />Similarly, buildout of the mixed-use retail development is dependent upon the economics of the <br />retail industry and thus subject to change. Because of these uncertainties, buildout of the medical <br />center and the mixed-use retail development are being assessed in the EIR at a more general, <br />programmatic level. <br />Staff believes that this approach to the EIR is consistent with the requirements of CEQA and <br />appropriate to the current circumstances. <br />OVERVIEW OF THE KAISER MEDICAL CENTER/MIXED-USE RETAIL <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />Phase 1 Medical Center <br />State legislation passed in the wake of the Northridge Earthquake of 1994 (SB 1953) mandates <br />the replacement or seismic retrofitting of certain existing acute care hospitals throughout <br />California by 2013. New legislation (SB 1661) has provided an opportunity under certain <br />circumstances for an extension of that deadline for many hospitals, including the existing Kaiser <br />Permanente Hayward hospital, until January 2015. The Kaiser Hayward hospital was evaluated <br />for its seismic safety and potential for seismic retrofit, and the findings confirmed that <br />replacement of this facility was required. The proposed San Leandro Kaiser Medical Center is <br />intended to serve as a replacement for the existing Kaiser Permanente Hayward hospital, serving <br />Kaiser Permanente's greater southern Alameda County area membership. <br />
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