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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 13 <br />December 21, 2009 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />that at the City Council Facilities & Transportation Committee meeting, the Committee <br />recommended that staff slow down their work on BRT, as San Leandro is way ahead of the <br />Cities of Oakland and Berkeley. Councilmember Reed expressed concern that the recent San <br />Leandro Times article on the Measure WW projects could be confusing to the public. She <br />commented that the City is doing great work in encouraging public involvement in the <br />decision-making process, and she was concerned that the article made it appear that the <br />community input on Measure WW projects was not considered. <br /> <br />Mr. Hollister stated that the Chair and Vice Chair of the Recreation and Parks Commission <br />(RAPC) have submitted a letter to the San Leandro Times to clarify the information in the <br />article. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Starosciak expressed surprise with the San Leandro Times article on the Measure <br />WW projects, and commented on the need to get the correct information out to the <br />community. She commented that the processes utilized at the Measure WW Ad Hoc <br />Committee meetings and at the RAPC town hall meetings were very different, and so the <br />outcomes were also different. Vice Mayor Starosciak pointed out the offer of funding for the <br />competition pool by the San Lorenzo School District, and the revenue that the pool would <br />generate, and stated that this information was not considered in the public process. She <br />pledged to continue to lobby for the pool on behalf of her constituents. Vice Mayor <br />Starosciak commented that she attended the Alameda County Mayors Conference and the <br />community meetings held by Kaiser. She passed on a suggestion by a constituent about <br />th <br />closing Joaquin between Washington and East 14 for improved walkability. <br /> <br />Councilmember Prola commented that he and Mayor Santos attended the ERI (Energy <br />Recovery Inc.) ribbon cutting; the Hispanic Business Council reception; the Wilson School <br />PTA pancake breakfast; the signing of the beam at the San Leandro High School Arts Center; <br />the Eden Township Healthcare District meeting, where he urged the Board to keep San <br />Leandro Hospital as an acute care hospital with an emergency room; and the community <br />meeting on the Kaiser development. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza thanked Councilmember Reed for mentioning the TeachBar, which <br />was the winner of the Bayfair Entrepreneur award <br />with federal lobbyist Len Simon, and solicitors in front of Pak n Save, who operate without a <br />permit. <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that he attended the Annual Moose Feed event; the <br />Wilson School PTA pancake breakfast; the signing of the San Leandro Arts Center beam; and <br />the Eden Township Healthcare District Board meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos made the following comments: he attended the Macao exhibit at the Main <br />Library, which he co-sponsored; the Council has been invited to <br />City, Yang Chun, and other cities in China in May 2010; he attended the Eden Township <br />Healthcare District meeting with Councilmembers Gregory and Prola, at which he reiterated <br />to the Board the need to keep San Leandro Hospital open. <br /> <br /> <br />