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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 9 <br />December 21, 2009 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens asked how it would be possible to generate enough clean <br />energy for cars and still meet emissions reduction goals. He asked how the increase in <br />vegetation from tree plantings has affected/offset Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. <br />Ms. Barros and a representative from KEMA USA addressed the questions. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented on the need to seek out sources to help fund the <br />implementation of the CAP. He commented on several items in the Plan, and the need <br />to convert waste to energy at its source. <br /> <br />Public Comments on Item 10.A.: <br /> <br />Antonio Cardenas, RE/MAX in Motion and San Leandro resident <br />, addressed the <br />City Council, supporting the Council the RECO policy from the CAP. Mr. <br />Cardenas commented that a RECO would be damaging to the real estate industry in San <br />Leandro. Mr. Cardenas distributed a calendar to the Council, which contained tips on <br />conserving energy. <br /> <br />Sheila Cunha, J Rockcliff Realtors <br />, addressed the City Council, commenting on the <br />current foreclosure rate. Ms. Cunha asked that the Council not impose a Point-of-Sale <br />requirement, commenting that many seniors do not have the means to comply. <br /> <br />Don Rettig, Bay East Association of Realtors <br />, addressed the City Council, expressing <br />opposition to a Point-of-Sale requirement for energy efficiency improvements. Mr. <br />Reddig commented that such a requirement would create additional burdens in an <br />already difficult real estate market. <br /> <br />Jack Lehner, Capital Realty <br />, addressed the City Council, expressing opposition to a <br />Point-of-Sale provision, commenting that such a provision would make already <br />complicated real estate transactions even more difficult. <br /> <br />Hank Deadrich, Deadrich Real Estate <br />, addressed the City Council, commenting on <br />the importance of an educational effort in gaining compliance with the requirements of <br />the CAP, and expressing appreciation for softening the language regarding a RECO. <br /> <br />David Johnson, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce <br />, addressed the City Council, <br />commenting on the responsiveness of the City and Ms. Barros to address the concerns <br />about the ordinance. Mr. Johnson commented on four local companies that have agreed <br />to take voluntary energy conservation measures. <br /> <br />David Stark, Bay East Association of Realtors <br />, addressed the City Council, <br />expressing concern regarding Point-of-Sale requirements in an ordinance. Mr. Stark <br />commented that realtors are already advocates of energy efficiency, so there is no need <br />for Point-of-Sale requirements. Mr. Stark expressed concern that Point-of-Sale <br />requirements could further damage an already fragile market. <br /> <br /> <br />