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Ranked Choice Voting (continued) 2 January 19, 2010 <br />result in "additional City election costs." Whether an RCV election will result in "additional <br />City election costs" will depend on whether Berkeley's share of RCV costs exceed the amount it <br />would save from not holding runoff elections. It is anticipated that the Berkeley City Council <br />will make a decision on RCV on either January 26 or February 9, 2010. <br />Legal Issues <br />A question was raised at the December 7, 2009 City Council meeting regarding whether the City <br />was required to mail notification of the election date change, as specified in the State Election <br />Code. A mailed notification to all registered voters is estimated to cost about $10,000. The City <br />Attorney has determined that the Council has the authority, when it changes the City's General <br />Municipal Election date, to also specify the method by which voters are notified of the change. <br />The Council could opt for a less costly notification method, such as publishing ads in the local <br />newspapers and on the City's website. <br />Another question posed at the December 7~h meeting involved whether RCV meets the City <br />Charter requirement that a successful candidate receive 50%+1 of the votes cast for that office. <br />In the RCV ballot counting process, a ballot becomes "exhausted" when it has no more valid <br />choices that can be distributed to a candidate still in the race. Due to the accumulation of <br />exhausted ballots, the total number of votes received by the highest vote-getter at the end of the <br />RCV counting process may be less than 50%+1 of the original ballots cast for the office. <br />Section 225(b) of the San Leandro City Charter states: <br />The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for the offices of Mayor and Council <br />Members of the City shall be elected to such offices, provided that such candidate receives at <br />least ftfty percent (50%) plus one of the votes cast for each such o~ce. In the event that no <br />candidate for such elective office of the City receives at least fifty percent (50%) plus one of the <br />votes cast for that office, the City Council shall provide for arun-off vote to determine the person <br />elected. The Ciry Council shall adopt an ordinance establishing arun-off system. The run-off <br />system may include mailed ballots, an instant run-off voting system when such technology is <br />available to the City, or a special run-off election. <br />The City Attorney has reviewed this question, and has issued an opinion regarding the proposed <br />RCV system. The City Attorney has opined that "... it is possible that under a rank choice voting <br />system the number of votes that the winning candidate receives maybe less than a majority of <br />the number of actual voters who participated in the election. Such a result is consistent with and <br />does not conflict with the City Charter because under a rank choice voting system, the winning <br />candidate who receives a majority of "votes cast" for that office in a particular round (1, 2 or 3) <br />will have received fifty percent (50%) plus one of the continuing ballots that contained the votes <br />cast for that office." <br />Election Cost <br />Staff reported previously that the $350,000 RCV system cost would be divided proportionally <br />among the three cities based on the number of registered voters in each city, and that San <br />Leandro's share of cost would be 12% of the total amount, or approximately $42,000. The <br />City's $42,000 share of the system cost and a preliminary estimate ofRCV-related costs from the <br />