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(k} "conversion factor (0.62)" means the number that converts acre-inches per acre per year to <br />gallons per square foot per year <br />(l) ``compost" is the productof controlled bi~ilogical i~ecompt~sitioti t~f organic materials, often inc]uding <br />urban plant debris and food waste. It is an organic matter resource that has the unique ability to improve <br />the chemical, physical and biological characteristics, of ~o~s ~r growing media. It contains plant <br />nutrients but is typically nc~t characterized as a, fertilizer. .Excerpted frs~rn CJS ~:ompost Council, Field <br />Guide to CompostUse <br />(}~ gym) "drip irrigation'' means any non-spray low volume irrigation system utilizing emission devices <br />with a flow rate measured in gallons per hour. Low volume irrigation systems are specifically designed <br />to apply small volumes of water slowly at or near the root zone of plants. <br />(n)"drought resistant soil" means soil that has bean managed by amending with compost and covering <br />with mulch, for example, to maximize rainfall infiltration,.increase the soil's capacity to hold water, and <br />allow for plant roots to penetrate and proliferate such that the landscape can survive with less than <br />raptimal water (i.e. less than MAWA). <br />{~ (off "ecological restoration project" means a project where the site is intentionally altered to establish <br />a defined, indigenous, historic ecosystem. <br />(~ (p) "effective precipitation" or "usable rainfall" (Eppt) means the portion of total precipitation which <br />becomes available for plant growth. <br />{~ (c~ "emitter" means a drip irrigation emission device that delivers water slowly from the system to <br />the soil. <br />{~ (r~ "established landscape" means the point at which plants in the landscape have developed <br />significant root growth into the soil. Typically, most plants are established after one or two years of <br />growth. <br />~ (s) "establishment period of the plants" means the first year after installing the plant in the landscape <br />or the first two years if irrigation will be terminated after establishment. Typically, most plants are <br />established after one or two years of growth. <br />(p3 ~~) "Estimated Total Water Use" (ETWU) means the total water used for the landscape as described <br />in Section 492.4. <br />~} (u) "ET adjustment factor" (ETAF) means a factor of 0.7, that, when applied to reference <br />evapotranspiration, adjusts for plant factors and irrigation efficiency, two major influences upon the <br />amount of water that needs to be applied to the landscape. <br />A combined plant mix with caste-wide average of 0.5 is the basis of the plant factor portion of this <br />calculation. For purposes of the ETAF, the average irrigation efficiency is 0.71. Therefore, the ET <br />Adjustment Factor is (0.7)=(0.5/0.'71). ETAF for a Special Landscape Area shall not exceed 1.0. ETAF <br />for existing non-rehabilitated landscapes is 0.8. <br />(~} (v) "evapotranspiration rate" means the quantity of water evaporated from adjacent soil and other <br />surfaces and transpired by plants during a specified time. <br />{s~ (wj "flow rate" means the rate at which water flows through pipes, valves and emission devices, <br />measured in gallons per minute, gallons per hour, or cubic feet per second. <br />{~} (x) "hardscapes"means any durable material (pervious and non-pervious). <br />(y)"high-flow sensors" ar "flaw :meters" detect; and repast high, flow. conditions created by system <br />damage or malfunction <br />{~} (z) "homeowner-provided landscaping" means any landscaping either installed by a private <br />individual for a single family residence or installed by a licensed contractor hired by a homeowner. A <br />homeowner, for purposes of this ordinance, is a person who occupies the dwelling he or she owns. This <br />excludes speculative homes, which are not owner-occupied dwellings. <br />(~ (a.) "hydrozone" means a portion of the Landscaped area having plants with similar water needs. A <br />hydrozone may be irrigated or non-irrigated. <br />(~} (bbd "infiltration rate" means the rate of water entry into the soil expressed as a depth of water per <br />unit of time (e.g., inches per hour). <br />4 <br />