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or greater than 2,500 square feet, is 50% of the total landscape area, and the modifications are completed <br />within one year. <br />{} ~Ckk) "runoff' means water which is not absorbed by the soil or landscape to which it is applied <br />and flows from the landscape area. For example, runoff may result from water that is applied at too great <br />a rate (application rate exceeds infiltration rate) or when there is a slope. <br />Eggg~ {lll) "soil moisture sensing device" or "soil moisture sensor" means a device that measures the <br />amount of water in the soil. The device may also suspend or initiate an irrigation event. <br />(~-r} ~mmm) "soil texture" means the classification of soil based on its percentage of sand, silt, and <br />clay. <br />(-~} ~pnn~ "Special Landscape Area" (SLA) means an area of the landscape dedicated solely to edible <br />plants, areas irrigated with recycled water, water features using recycled water and areas dedicated to <br />active play such as parks, sports fields, golf courses, and where turf provides a playing surface. <br />(~-} fooo;) "sprinkler head" means a device which delivers water through a nozzle. <br />3 (pp~z) "static water pressure" means the pipeline or municipal water supply pressure when water is <br />not flowing. <br />¢~} jggq~ "station" means an area served by one valve or by a set of valves that operate simultaneously. <br />~ ~~ "swing joint" means an irrigation component that provides a flexible, leak-free connection <br />between the emission device and lateral pipeline to allow movement in any direction and to prevent <br />equipment damage. <br />{ (sss~ "turf' means a ground cover surface of mowed grass. Annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, <br />Perennial ryegrass, Red fescue, and Tall fescue are cool-season grasses. Bermudagrass, Kikuyugrass, <br />Seashore Paspalum, St. Augustinegrass, Zoysiagrass, and Buffalo grass are warm-season grasses. <br />Eeee3 ~ttt3 "valve" means a device used to control the flow of water in the irrigation system. <br />( (uuu~ "water conserving plant species" means a plant species identified as having a low plant <br />factor. <br />{~~ ~vvX} "water feature" means a design element where open water performs an aesthetic or <br />recreational function. Water features include ponds, lakes, waterfalls, fountains, artificial streams, spas, <br />and swimming pools (where water is artificially supplied). The surface area of water features is included <br />in the high water use hydrozone of the landscape area. Constructed wetlands used for on-site wastewater <br />treatment or stormwater best management practices that are not irrigated and used solely for water <br />treatment or stormwater retention are not water features and, therefore, are not subject to the water <br />budget calculation. <br />{~ (wwv~~ "watering window" means the time of day irrigation is allowed. <br />(sss) ~x~x~ "WUCOLS" means the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species published by the <br />University of California Cooperative Extension, the Department of Water Resources and the Bureau of <br />Reclamation, 2000. <br />Note: Authority Cited: Section 65595, Government Code. Reference: Sections 65592, 65S96, <br />Government Code. <br />§ 492. Provisions for New Construction or Rehabilitated Landscapes. <br />(a) A local agency may designate another agency, such as a water purveyor, to implement some or all of <br />the requirements contained in this ordinance. Local agencies may collaborate with water purveyors to <br />define each entity's specific responsibilities relating to this ordinance. <br />Note: Authority Cited: Section 65595, Government Code. Reference: Section 65596, Government Code. <br />§ 492.1 Compliance with Landscape Documentation Package. <br />7 <br />