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State Energy Program Grants/CaliforniaFIRST 6 February 1, 2010 <br />Furthermore, the General Plan supports the proposed programs with the following Policies and <br />Actions, among others: <br />Policy 26.0 -Intergovernmental Coordination Coordinate with the appropriate regional, <br />state and federal agencies and other organizations in their efforts to conserve and enhance <br />ecological resources in San Leandro. Refer local projects to these agencies as required for their <br />review and comment. <br />Policy 28.01 -Conservation Advocacy Strongly advocate for increased energy conservation by <br />San Leandro residents and businesses, and ensure that the City itself is a conservation role model. <br />Policy 28.02 Planning and Building Practices Encourage construction, landscaping, and site <br />planning practices that minimize heating and cooling costs and ensure that energy is efficiently <br />used. focal building codes and other City regulations and procedures should meet or exceed state <br />and federal standards for energy conservation ar~d eff ciency. <br />Policy 28.03 Weatherization Promote the weatherization and energy retrofitting of existing <br />homes and businesses, including the development of solar space heating and water heating <br />systems, and the use of energy-eff cier~t lighting, fixtures and appliances. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed resolutions are categorically exempt from the requirements of the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per the following: <br />For the municipal financing program (resolution to join CaliforniaFIlZST and the resolution to <br />authorize Sacramento County to apply for the SEP 1 grant), the resolutions are not a "project" as <br />that term is defined in Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 15378, as the program <br />does not involve any commitment to a specific project which may result in a potentially <br />significant physical impact on the environment. <br />For the residential retrofit program, the energy efficiency project/s described in Exhibit A of the <br />resolution to authorize ABAG to apply for the SEP2 grant, the resolution is a "project" under <br />CEQA that is exempt under California Code of Regulations, Title 21, sections 15301 (repairs and <br />minor alterations to existing facilities), 15302 (replacement or reconstruction of existing <br />structures and facilities), 15306 (information collection), 15308 (actions to protect the <br />environment), 15309 (inspections), and 15322 (training programs) because the project would <br />develop standards for resource conserving and energy saving retrofits of existing structures in <br />confonmance with existing building codes; train contractors, homeowners and other building <br />professionals; encourage participation in the green retrofit program; provide rebates for tested <br />and certified retrofit projects; and monitor and evaluate environmental performance of projects. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Participation in CaliforniaFIRST has a maximum direct cost of $15,000, which requires increasing <br />the FY 2009-2010 Budget by up to $15,000 and will be funded by transferring from existing <br />appropriation in the Community Development Department ($10,000 from Account # 010-41- <br />001-5120) and Public Works Department ($5,000 from Account # 594-41-207-5120). However, <br />if all Alameda County jurisdictions join, the cost of participation falls to $11,375. If CSCDA's <br />