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BusHsgDev Highlights 2010 0114
City Clerk
City Council
Business & Housing Development Committee
BusHsgDev Highlights 2010 0114
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1/28/2010 9:56:22 AM
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1/28/2010 9:56:21 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Vice Mayor Starosciak stated that Costco is good for the City and that she supports the process <br />to further study the issue. Chair Stephens posed the philosophical question: "Is big box retail an <br />asset or a liability?" For example, without big box retailers where would a person buy a <br />television? Councilmernber Reed added that residents from other cities come to shop at Target <br />and wondered why the City would want to prohibit them from buying things in San Leandro as <br />the sales tax benefits the City. The Committee directed staff to continue working to revise the <br />language for the retail big box ordinance. <br />2. Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report - October/November/December 2009 <br />Mr. Johnson explained that the Chamber has been aggressive in working with the industrial <br />community to promote San Leandro as a great place to do business. In addition, he explained that <br />the Chamber wants to assist industrial businesses with their challenges. One way is with Natural <br />Capitalism, Inc.'s work with businesses to improve their sustainability. The goal is that the <br />program will include a study circle of at least six medium to large companies in the City. <br />Ghirardelli and OSI Soft will participate in the first study circle and there is also interest from <br />Scandic Springs. The cost is $6,000 for each of the participating companies, and if the company <br />is in a redevelopment project area, the Redevelopment Agency can assist with a forgivable loan <br />for one-half of that cost under the Industrial Competitiveness Program. The Agency's assistance <br />gives the program an advantage over other cities competing for Natural Capitalism's services. <br />The Committee asked what results the Chamber expects to see with this program for next quarter <br />and for the year. Mr. Johnson replied participation by three groups of six businesses was the goal <br />however participation by four groups of six businesses would even be better. Participation would <br />gauge businesses involvement, completion of efficiency improvements, and implementation of <br />sustainability practices. <br />The Committee asked what results the City has seen with its partnership with the Chamber. <br />Manager Battenberg replied that the partnership, created last year, successfully created five <br />Industrial Councils and held a meeting in each area. The goal of the Councils was to learn what <br />the City and Chamber could do to support businesses. As a result, a crime free business program <br />for the Adams Area Industrial Council was launched by the San Leandro Police Department. <br />The City is also exploring the possibility of joining the OaklandBerkeley Recycling and Market <br />Development Zone (RMDZ) to benefit the Davis/Doolittle Area Industrial Council. Another <br />program idea that is being explored is the creation of a careers in manufacturing program for <br />junior high and high school students to identifying employment opportunities in the industrial <br />fields and what skills and education would be required. <br />Manager Battenberg further reported that the City is involved in additional programs to support <br />industrial businesses including participation in the East Bay Green Corridor Partnership, and <br />creation of an Industrial Competitiveness Program. <br />Manager Battenberg clarified that Natural Capitalism's technical assistance to participants would <br />not only address how to recycle materials for cost savings but it would also include how to be <br />more efficient with heating, ventilation, and lighting. The Committee understood the program's <br />goal was valuable in reducing carbon footprint and greenhouse gases and keeping businesses in <br />San Leandro; however the question was asked if the program would increase the number of <br />employees and property values. Mr. Johnson replied that the program participants could result in <br />the increased value of their business and value of their property. <br />
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