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currently expenditures are $85,000 under budget. This includes the increase to restore the <br />Deputy Fire Marshal position. Chief Gilbert updated the Committee on the negotiations with the <br />Cities of Union City and Newark to begin providing fire services. If all goes according to <br />schedule, services in the City of Newark will begin in April or May of this year. The City of <br />Union City will be taking this item to their Council Work Session on January 21, 2010. <br />3. Update on Budget Task Force Ad Hoc Committee <br />Interim Finance Director Carter provided a summary of the exercises the Budget Task Force Ad <br />Hoc Committee (Budget Task Force) has been working on determining the priories for the city. <br />There has been excellent participation from the Budget Task Force, and staff will be providing <br />make-up sessions for those participants who were unable to make a meeting. The Budget Task <br />Force will wrap-up their sessions on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 and plan to provide a detailed <br />report to Council at the February 8, 2010 Work Session. <br />4. Update on Five-Year Forecast <br />Interim Finance Director Carter informed the Committee that the revenue figures are changing. <br />Staff will be meeting with MBIA regarding the current Sales Tax revenues in January and will <br />report back to the Committee at the next Finance Committee meeting. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Mayor and City Council Budget Reductions for FY 2010-2011 <br />Administrative Analyst Ornelas proposed reducing the Mayor and Councilmember's budget in <br />Transportation and Training for the fiscal year 2010-11 to coincide with what is being asked by <br />every department throughout the City. The Committee recognized that the Mayor has already <br />reduced his budget significantly in Transportation and Training, Salary, and Health Care. <br />Councilmember have also reduced their budgets. Consensus was reached regarding the <br />reductions. <br />6. Public Comments <br />None <br />7. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Prola expressed his desire that City funded projects, employ project labor for the <br />community with competitive wages and health benefits, e.g. the Bridge/San Leandro Crossings <br />Project. Mayor Santos stated that everyone is in agreement. Mayor Santos inquired about the <br />Child Care facility that is to be built. Councilmember Gregory stated that Davis Street Resource <br />Center has hired a grant writer to assist with the $660,000 that is needed. The deadline for the <br />grant application is in January. <br />8. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.rn. <br />2 <br />