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MINUTES Page 14 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~Ianuary 19, 2010 <br />Mayor Santos stated that he supports RCV, and was a supporter of Measure F in 2000. <br />He recalled that when Measure F was placed on ballot, it was with the intention that <br />RCV would be used when available. Mayor Santos commented that RCV costs less <br />than two elections, and would save the City money over time. He expressed doubt that <br />a June revenue measure would pass. <br />Vice Mayor Starosciak commented that there is evidence that RCV is the right move for <br />San Leandro, but that details would- need to be worked out. She stated that the "not to <br />exceed" amount in the MOU was fmancially burdensome for the City at this time, and <br />did not believe the City could afford it now. Vice Mayor Starosciak commented that the <br />November ballot would likely be crowded with revenue measures, and June would <br />provide flexibility. She concluded that it is not the right year for RCV in San Leandro. <br />• Resolution No. 2010-006, Resolution Approving the Memorandum of <br />Understanding Between the County of Alameda and the Cities of Oakland, <br />Berkeley and San Leandro for Reimbursement of Costs Associated with Ranked <br />Choice Voting (RCV) (provides for the implementation of RCV, including system <br />development cost, firmware upgrade, voter education and outreach, and additional <br />poll workers). Cost: Approximately $181,000 (12% share of $1.5 million). (1055) <br />M/S/C Prola and Gregory. Ayes: 5; Noes:. 2 (Starosciak and Stephens) <br />• Minute Order No. 2010-010, Motion Directing Staff to Return on February 1, <br />2010 with the Documents Necessary to Change the General Municipal Election <br />Date from June 8, 2010 to November 2, 2010. (1055) <br />The City Council directed staff to return on February 1, 2010 with the <br />documents necessary to change the General Municipal Election date from <br />June 8, 2010 to November 2, 2010. <br />M/S/C Prola and Gregory. Ayes: 5; Noes: 2 (Starosciak and Stephens) <br />D. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken <br />Assistant City Attorney Richard Pio Roda reported that in the closed session held earlier <br />this evening, the City Council, by a vote of 5-0 (Councilmember Souza and Mayor <br />Santos absent) disposed by settlement agreement the following claims: <br />• Christina Tiletile v. City of San Leandro, et al., sexual harassment, gender <br />discrimination and retaliation claims, in the amount of $295,000 <br />• Taiwo Pena-Hornung v. City of San Leandro, et al., sexual harassment, gender <br />discrimination and retaliation claims, in the amount of $50,000 <br />• Kamilah Jackson v. City of San Leandro, et al., sexual harassment, gender <br />discrimination and retaliation claims, in the amount of $25,000 <br />