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Reso 2010-007
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-007
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Last modified
2/8/2010 10:16:51 AM
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2/8/2010 10:16:50 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2010 0201
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0201
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installation of the Authorized Improvements and to contract directly for the installation of such <br />Authorized Improvements. <br />(c) A statement of California Communities' policies concerning contractual <br />assessments including all of the following: <br />(1) Identification of types of Authorized Improvements that may be financed <br />through the use of contractual assessments. <br />(2) Identification of California Communities official authorized to enter into <br />contractual assessments on behalf of California Communities. <br />(3) A maximum aggregate dollar amount of contractual assessments in the <br />County. <br />(4) A method for setting requests from property owners for financing through <br />contractual assessments in priority order in the event that requests appear likely to <br />exceed the authorization amount. <br />(d) A plan for raising a capital amount required to pay for work performed pursuant <br />to contractual assessments. The plan may include amounts to be advanced by California <br />Communities through funds available to it from any source. The plan may include the sale of a <br />bond or bonds or other financing relationship pursuant to Section 5898.28 of Chapter 29. The <br />plan shall include a statement of or method for determining the interest rate and time period <br />during which contracting property owners would pay any assessment. The plan shall provide for <br />any reserve fund or funds. The plan shall provide for the apportionment of all or any portion of <br />the costs incidental to financing, administration, and collection of the contractual assessment <br />program among the consenting property owners and California Communities. <br />(e) A report on the results of the consultations with the County Auditor-Controller <br />described in Section 9 below concerning the additional fees, if any, that will be charged to <br />California Communities for incorporating the proposed contractual assessments into the <br />assessments of the general taxes of the County on real property, and a plan for financing the <br />payment of those fees. <br />Section 8. Nature of Assessments. Assessments levied pursuant to Chapter 29, and <br />the interest and any penalties thereon, will constitute a lien against the lots and parcels of land <br />on which they are made, until they are paid. Unless otherwise directed by California <br />Communities, the assessments shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time <br />as the general taxes of the County on real property are payable, and subject to the same <br />penalties and remedies and lien priorities in the event of delinquency and default. <br />Section 9. Consultations with County Auditor-Controller. California Communities <br />hereby directs the Program Manager to enter into consultations with the County Auditor- <br />Controller in order to reach agreement on what additional fees, if any, will be charged to <br />California Communities for incorporating the proposed contractual assessments into the <br />assessments of the general taxes of the County on real property. <br />Section 10. Preparation of Current Roll of Assessment. Pursuant to Section <br />5898.24(c), California Communities hereby designates the Program Manager (or his/her <br />designee) as the responsible official for annually preparing the current roll of assessment <br />
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