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(d) The right to withhold payment shall not be construed as a penalty but as an adjustment of <br />payment to Contractor to recover City costs due to the failure of the Contractor to complete or <br />comply with the provisions of these specifications. City has the right, but not the obligation, to <br />use the funds retained to correct Contractor's deficiencies. The right of the City to withhold <br />payment shall be in addition to any other remedies herein provided or available under applicable <br />law, including the right to terminate the contract. <br />(e) If in the opinion of the City there are repeated and/or frequent Contractor deficiencies, the <br />contract may be terminated. <br />Reduction in Scope -The City reserves the right to reduce the scope of work up to 50% of the <br />total monthly bid. Should any reduction be necessary the contractor shall receive thirty (30) <br />days notice. The remaining areas of contractor responsibility shall be paid at the rate bid by the <br />contractor for those items. Any reduction in excess of 50% of total monthly bid shall be made <br />within sixty (60) days notice. For reductions in excess of 50%, Contractor shall have the option <br />to either accept the remaining items at their bid rate or to terminate the agreement. Notice of <br />termination by Contractor under these circumstances shall be given to the city in writing at least <br />forty-five (45) days before agreement termination. <br />Communication with City <br />Contractor shall designate one person as the representative of Contractor authorized to act on its <br />behalf with respect to this specified work. <br />The City of San Leandro, through a designated representative, shall make inspections on a <br />weekly basis, or as often as necessary to insure that complete and continuous maintenance is <br />fulfilled. In addition, the City may obtain the services of an approved horticultural specialist to <br />inspect plantings and make recommendations for improvements in the maintenance program. <br />Contractor shall be required to attend monthly meetings with City staff to review Contractor's <br />performance and the condition of all maintenance areas. Dates and times of meetings shall be set <br />by the City and the Contractor. These monthly meetings are not to substitute for Contractor's <br />responsibility to regularly inspect areas. <br />The Contractor shall submit weekly. inspection reports signed by the Contractor's representative <br />that shows that all areas have been inspected that week, which areas are out of conformance with <br />these specifications and the Contractor's plans for bringing the areas into specification <br />conformance. <br />The Contractor shall submit a written report each month stating all contract work completed. <br />The report shall show the work completed during each week contract work was accomplished, <br />and shall be submitted with and cover the same work as the Contractor's billing statement for the <br />previous month's work. The report shall include documentation of irrigation checks and <br />chemical applications. Failure to submit reports by the tenth of each month shall result in the <br />Contractor forfeiting $500 from any amounts owed by the City. <br />