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Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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Last modified
2/8/2010 10:21:56 AM
Creation date
2/8/2010 10:20:49 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2010 0201
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0201
Agmt 2014 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2014
Reso 2010-011
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2010
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Erner eg ncies <br />Contractor shall be responsible for responding to all emergencies within two (2) hours of <br />notification during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. <br />Change Orders <br />If the City makes any other substantial change to the landscaping in a contract area, the City and <br />Contractor shall negotiate any necessary adjustments to the monthly maintenance contract. The <br />City reserves the right to remove any area from the maintenance contract if agreement cannot be <br />reached. <br />Extra Work <br />The City may request extra work from the Contractor as needs arise. Contractor will only be <br />compensated for work which is approved in writing by the City in advance. The City reserves <br />the right to accomplish extra work with City forces or with other contractors instead of this <br />Maintenance Contractor. <br />Upon notification that extra work will be required, the Contractor shall submit an itemized, <br />written cost proposal for such work to the City. The City shall retain the right to reject such cost <br />proposal and perform the extra work with City forces or other contractors. Should the proposal <br />be acceptable to the City, the Contractor shall be advised in writing and upon receipt of such <br />written notification shall begin the work within five (5) working days or as agreed to between the <br />Contractor and the City. <br />The Contractor shall do such extra work in accordance with the agreement for extra work and <br />with the provisions of these specifications and shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment. <br />Payment for extra work performed shall be as agreed to by the Contractor and the City and as <br />bid. Compensation for material will not exceed Contractor cost plus 10%. Contractor must <br />provide invoice copies to be compensated for material and must provide employee timesheets in <br />order to be compensated for labor at the extra work rate. <br />Other <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage to surface and underground <br />improvements due to the Contractor's operations on or adjacent to parcels upon which landscape <br />maintenance and weed abatement work is performed. <br />Personal property found by the Contractor on City property or in public right-of--ways shall be <br />reported to the City representative immediately and turned into the City on the same day that the <br />property is found. <br />
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