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Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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Last modified
2/8/2010 10:21:56 AM
Creation date
2/8/2010 10:20:49 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2010 0201
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Agmt 2014 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2014
Reso 2010-011
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2010
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Trees <br />Trees which are staked shall have supports kept in good repair. Any broken or damaged supports <br />or ties shall be replaced as soon as possible. Staking shall remain in place until trees are fully <br />capable of self support. Stakes and ties shall remain on tree roses at all times. Trees which have <br />low. hanging, diseased, dead or broken branches shall be trimmed by the Contractor. Only those <br />tree branches which can be pruned from the ground level using hand or pole pruning equipment <br />may be trimmed by the Contractor. Branches overhanging traffic lanes shall be kept side <br />trimmed to face of curb line and to a height of 12 feet. Branches overhanging pedestrian routes <br />shall be kept trimmed to a height of 8 feet above walkway level. <br />All trees shall be pruned by qualified personnel using horticulturally sound methods and <br />approved techniques. Trees shall be pruned to develop a structurally sound shape and a healthy, <br />natural appearance. No excessive pruning or stubbing back will be allowed. Sucker growth <br />originating at the trunk or root zone shall be removed. Trees encroaching into backyards of <br />private property from work areas shall be side trimmed to fence line to a height of 12 feet. <br />Trees shall be fertilized on an as needed basis based on the health of the tree and the soil <br />conditions, with a complete fertilizer formulated for use on trees. The fertilizer shall be injected <br />into the soil or spread in the watering basin. <br />Trees knocked down by vehicular accidents or trees and large limbs blown down and blocking <br />traffic lanes shall be immediately reported to the City, which shall have responsibility for <br />cleanup of such trees and large limbs. Any time personal property of a motorist or pedestrian is <br />damaged due to falling trees or limbs, the Contractor shall notify the City Police Department <br />immediately. Any small branches which fall or are blown from median plantings, causing no <br />damage, shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor. <br />Groundcovers <br />Groundcovers such as ivy, ice plant, etc., shall be kept trimmed behind top of curb lines at all <br />times, kept off of pedestrian walkways and out of drainage ditches, kept out of interplanted <br />shrubs and trees, trimmed to keep all signs, poles, guardrails, and utility meters clear, and kept <br />from encroaching in any way into private property or onto private property fences. Ivy shall also <br />be trimmed off of BART towers to the height of the surrounding ground cover. Ivy falling from <br />walls is the Contractor's responsibility. Grasses, weeds, sucker growth, or any other growth shall <br />be removed from groundcover to maintain a neat and clean appearance <br />In addition to maintenance described elsewhere in these specifications, ivy on Springlake Drive, <br />Davis Street, Fremont Ave. and Halcyon Drive shall be allowed to grow to within 6 inches of the <br />top of the wall. Once at this height, ivy shall not be trimmed below 18 inches from the wall top <br />nor allowed to grow past 6 inches from the top of the wall. All ivy shall be trimmed to a crisp, <br />clean appearance. <br />
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