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Agapanthus (Lily-of--the-Nile), where planted en masse, shall be treated as a groundcover. <br />Maintenance shall include removing all spent flowers immediately following the flowering <br />season. <br />Watering <br />Water is available from the City's automatic and manual irrigation systems at the sites. Where <br />no irrigation system exists, irrigation shall not be considered part of this contract. The City shall <br />pay for all water and electricity except for water usage in excess of that needed to maintain the <br />landscape as specified herein. Contractor shall pay for all excessive water charges due to <br />Contractor's failure to monitor irrigation system malfunctions or unwarranted increases in the <br />frequency of irrigation. <br />Automatic controllers shall be programmed for watering prior to 6:00 A.M. or after 10:00 P.M. <br />Automatic controllers' programs shall be adjusted to compensate for changes in the weather and <br />site conditions. Excessive run-off of water shall be avoided. Water shall not be allowed to pond <br />or create awater-logged soil condition. Wasting of water or use of City furnished water for <br />means other than those directly related to maintenance of this project shall be prohibited. <br />Precautions shall be taken to prevent water from wetting pedestrians, vehicles and pavement. <br />Any soil washed onto pavement shall be cleaned up and any eroded areas shall be filled in at the <br />Contractor's expense. <br />Irrigation System Maintenance <br />The City shall be responsible for general maintenance of the irrigation system including piping, <br />wiring, spray heads, electric valves, and automatic controllers. All irrigation parts and materials <br />which are damaged or broken shall be reported to the City. Contractor shall then submit in <br />writing a written proposal for repair and/or replacement. A City representative shall then <br />determine if work shall be done by Contractor or a City crew. Contractor is responsible for any <br />damage caused by Contractor. Any repair work performed by the City, which is at fault by the <br />Contractor, shall be charged against the Contractor's monthly account. <br />The irrigation system shall be inspected by the Contractor on a weekly basis during the irrigation <br />period. The Contractor shall coordinate with the City to ensure that the irrigation systems are <br />properly set to avoid over-watering, especially prior to scheduled mowing. It is the Contractor's <br />responsibility to insure that the system is operating correctly and that there is adequate coverage. <br />All spray heads shall be kept cleaned and adjusted to maximize coverage and minimize <br />overspray onto the roadway. Adjustments shall include raising or lowering spray heads to avoid <br />obstructions to the flow of water, and shall be done at the Contractor's expense. <br />All electric valves shall be kept flushed clean of sediment and debris and shall be maintained in <br />proper working order. Valves shall be kept well adjusted to insure efficient operation of the <br />irrigation system. The Contractor shall also keep the controllers clean and free of insects and <br />dust, and shall make any necessary repairs or replacements. <br />