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5. The Contractor shall use the necessary equipment in order to accomplish the work in a <br />satisfactory manner. The Contractor shall arrange operations so that the herbicides will <br />not be distributed beyond the limit of property sprayed. The Contractor shall apply the <br />herbicides using nozzles and pressure necessary for a proper application. <br />6. The Contractor shall supply water for the chemical mix. <br />7. The materials used by the Contractor must be of such composition and of sufficient <br />strength to kill weeds, but may not sterilize the soil for a period in excess of one year <br />following application. The chemicals used shall not be toxic or harmful in any manner to <br />animals or human beings when used in prescribed manner. The materials used shall not <br />harm desirable vegetation such as trees or turf. The materials used shall not be <br />flammable or leave an oily residue that will discolor or leave a slippery film on sidewalks <br />and curbs. The City may at any time during the spraying operation take samples to check <br />materials being used. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide the City with <br />information regarding chemicals applied to specified locations. In addition, the <br />Contractor shall upon request provide the City with specimen labels of chemicals applied. <br />In the event the treatment is not effective, the contractor will be required to remove all <br />growth from the area within the limits of the spray application. <br />Mowing <br />1. Mowing shall be performed as directed by the City, on City and private property. Weeds <br />will be mowed with a flail mower to a maximum height of 2". <br />2. It is the intention of this specification to provide for mulching as would be furnished by a <br />Flail Mower so that no grass or stubble shall exceed 2" in height. Weeds shall be <br />removed from against fences, trees, and other obstructions. If the City determines that <br />mowing practices or the condition of the weeds does not provide adequate mulching, the <br />Contractor is to remove the mulched weeds. <br />3. The Contractor shall sweep sidewalks and roadways of plant material after cutting to <br />maintain a clean, neat condition. <br />Material <br />The Contractor shall supply all new and replacement material for all new construction or <br />replacements necessary as per City Standard Construction Drawings. All replacements, whether <br />due to disease, pest infestation or Contractor negligence shall be Contractor responsibility and <br />considered part of the bid item without separate payment made therefore. <br />Fertilizers shall conform to the California Food and Agricultural Code. Commercial fertilizers <br />shall be complete fertilizers furnishing the required percentages of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, <br />potash, and other necessary rnicronutrients as needed to keep turf, trees, and shrubs in a healthy <br />and vigorous growing condition. <br />